Little Taotie is a man of action, and immediately took over a time-travel scene.

This time-travel play maximizes the power of time.

Little Taotie plays the role of the heroine. When she was young, the heroine was an ancient person. Due to the flood in her hometown, the food in the family was almost gone. Failure to uncover the pot meant that death was not far away.

This kind of death is not only from starvation, but also from being killed by vicious gangsters who came to rob things.

There are not so many distinctions between good and evil in troubled times. The heroine played by Xiao Taotie saw soldiers killing people when she was a child, so she felt that even soldiers are not good people. If she wants to change this view later, she will go back to the room and do all kinds of things back then. When I was a child playing the heroine.

The bandit killed the soldier, put on the soldier's clothes and came to the village, told the village chief that the bandit on the mountain had been killed by him, and took out the head of that person, and this dead bandit, known as the heinous, was not the real one at all. bandits.

The bandits have switched identities, so the head is naturally that of a soldier.

It's just that the village chief realized what he said, and the whole village would be buried with him in the end.

The little girl played by Xiao Taotie saw the bandits enter the village head, because the village head got false news, thinking that the king of the mountain was dead, and the bandits would stop for a while, who knew that these bandits were more active in the In the market.

When the bandits came to kill her, the little girl had nowhere to escape but hid in the cellar. She knew in her heart that she would be caught sooner or later, but she could hide for as long as she could.

The little girl fell asleep while waiting.

When she woke up again, the surrounding environment changed.

She appeared in a place full of boxes. The materials of these boxes are very strange, like the color of wood, but they can be torn like paper.

The little girl was still wearing shabby clothes, and she walked indiscriminately, no matter where she went, without deliberately planning the route, but casually like a walk.

She found out to get out of this place full of strange boxes. After going out, the air made her uncomfortable, her throat was itchy, and she kept coughing.

After a while, she saw someone approaching, subconsciously found a place and hid.

What she chose was a strange box. The wooden box was empty, not all of them were empty. She found a bag of strange food from the ground.

Potatoes are painted on the bag on the surface of the food.

She thought: This should be an edible potato, right?

She hasn't eaten potatoes for a long time. Since the flood in the village, she can't even afford potatoes.

Walking on the street, she found that the surrounding scenery were some buildings and some signboards. The houses were full of beautiful things, but they were actually messy.

All the jewelry on the little girl has been sold, only a silver hairpin is left, which is the last thought left by her mother before her death.

She didn't know where she was, only this silver hairpin could make her feel at ease.

Someone asked: "Is it a beggar?"

"Child, you wear so little, aren't you cold?"

"My child, you are so dirty, stay away from me!"

There is good and bad trust on the road.

She tried to learn from people in this world, but within a few days she felt very tired and her heart was very tired.

She wanted to go back, and she didn't want to stay here any longer, it was too strange for her.

But what surprised her more than being unfamiliar was that there seemed to be endless food here.

"Can I eat?" She asked cautiously.

"Eat, it's okay, eat whatever you want!" These words came from a nurse.

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