Chapter 1468 Little Taotie contracted the TV
Little Taotie spends most of his time shooting time-traveling works, one after another.

Audiences also experience visual fatigue.

Especially when the works that Xiao Taotie participated in are released in the same schedule, and the heroine's childhood or important supporting role in each play is Xiao Taotie.

Sometimes, when chasing several dramas she participated in at the same time, I even get confused.

A drama that Xiao Taotie participated in was released. In this drama, she plays the role of the heroine in childhood, who can travel between two worlds for business. The official invites Xiao Taotie to participate in the premiere live broadcast.

Watch the first episode of the participating works with the audience on the live broadcast.

Strawberries without ice: [Little Taotie, my memory is still the scene of you vomiting blood and dying in the last movie, and now you are back in business! 】

Crybaby Little Crescent Moon: [I've been chasing several plays of you at the same time! 】

Salmon has no spines: [I'm almost confused, Xiao Taotie is a model worker in the industry, and she is almost the heroine of every drama's childhood scenes! 】

Jiangnan Misty Rain Mengmeng: [Be more precise, please remove almost. 】

Ha ha hilarious Little Sweet Girl: [Laughing to death!This summer vacation, Xiao Taotie contracted the TV set for me, and she overwhelmed the screen!Hahaha! 】

Roses have thorns but no heart: [Why are they all about time travel!Even if it has nothing to do with time travel, she is still a character that crosses time, exists in the memory of all important characters, is mentioned from time to time, and then she will appear on the gray screen! 】

Good song for 3 minutes: [If you don't tell me, I didn't find out, but if you say it, it's true! 】

Can live another 500 years: 【Doesn’t Xiao Taotie read books?Aren't you afraid that filming like a model worker will affect your studies? 】

The cutie from Sister Ma's house: [You really like to meddle in other people's business, what's your business?My Zai Zai has always been the second in the school! 】

Can live another 500 years: [Is the second place in the whole school amazing?Why can't you work hard to get the first place in the school?It's because of filming that it affects her studies. If she doesn't film, she will definitely win the first place! 】

The words on the bullet screen flowed so fast that some of them affected other audiences who watched the first show.

Cheese has no calories: [Can you talk about something substantive and meaningful about the plot?Why do you want to chat about Xiao Taotie?Why did the crooked building turn into a discussion and study while chatting?Not enough in school?Chasing a drama and being forced to discuss and study! ! ! 】

Boiled peppers and just drinking soup: [That's it!Can you enjoy watching the drama!If you can see it, watch it, if you can't see it, get out, don't beep beeping here! 】

Kindness is bullied: [Isn't the second best in the school still outstanding?Why must the whole school be the first?Why do you force children like this?Can't children have free time to do other things?Is learning everything for a child?Excuse me, is work the only thing for adults?Why do you have to be so strict with a child? 】

The little adult chasing the drama: [The crooked building is crooked!Everyone watch the show!Stop it, stop talking about studying! 】

The official host of the live broadcast room asked Xiao Taotie: "I saw that there are many people on the bullet screen who are very concerned about Xiao Taotie's study. Can you talk to everyone about your academic performance?"

Little Taotie frowned, not really wanting to talk about this.

The official host continued to ask: "I heard that you are the second in the school and have always maintained this score. Why can't you sprint to the first? How many points are you and the first?"

(End of this chapter)

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