Chapter 1469 Host with malicious intentions
The strawberry milk tea is not too sweet: [Is this host out of his mind?After talking about this topic, why is she still staring at Xiao Taotie and asking! 】

Four -leaf grass is very lucky: [I find that these hosts are sick, the more people do not want to talk. They have to talk about, the more taboos of others, the more they have to mention, isn't they afraid of being beaten? 】

The beef pie is fermented: [Can you watch the show! ! ! 】

There is always a painting in Jiangnan: [Little Taotie beat her up!Your fist is hard, see if she is afraid! 】

Xiaocheng blows the south wind: [Yes, little Taotie beat her up! 】

The red fountain pen leaked ink: [Little Taotie is a child after all, don't instigate her to solve problems violently. 】

Hei Qiao wants 100%: [Violence is sometimes the strongest means to solve problems, after all, there is violence first, and then words. 】

The coaster was thrown away: [It's completely crooked, I don't even want to watch dramas, I just want to watch the excitement!Take a small bench and sit down, a handful of melon seeds are ready, let's get started! 】

The mouse needs a blue light: [Upstairs, can you give me half, I want to eat melon seeds too! 】

The coaster was thrown: [OK! 】

Your name is all over the calendar: [Haha, I'll join too! 】

The coat is always her fragrance: [Are there enough melon seeds?Come a little? 】

Bad cervical spine smoked wormwood: [You guys are enough, are you trying to laugh at me to death and inherit my credit card? 】

The host saw that the number of people in the live broadcast room continued to increase, and the flow of bullet screens was getting faster and faster. The popularity was rising at night, and it was expected to be on the hot search list.

Therefore, the host will not let Xiao Taotie go, insisting on asking her about the thousand-year-old second child.

Little Taotie lowered his head with a sad face.

In the final exam that just ended, she was still the second in the whole grade, and she had no chance at all. Hua Jinyan was like a mountain pressing down on her front.

It's okay if the gap is small, between her and Hua Jinyan, she is [-] points short.

Hua Jinyan got full marks, even the composition. This is an incredible thing. No matter how good the composition is, the teacher will deduct some points more or less. I hope that the students will not be so proud and have a certain room for improvement .

Xiao Taotie's composition score is also in the upper class, but compared with Hua Jinyan's score, it is far behind.

In addition to the last major question in mathematics, he was all right, Xiao Taotie deducted points more or less, but compared to most of the students who were all wrong, he was already far ahead.

It is this kind of score that is far ahead, but it is still crushed by Hua Jinyan. Hua Jinyan is always the first, and he still ranks at the top with a score that is much higher than her. Who can hold back!
Little Taotie's most annoying thing recently is to mention this matter, the host still doesn't open any pot and mentions which pot!
The little girl is not a person who can make faces, but occasionally she will puff up her cheeks.

The host showed a triumphant smile, and sent a text message from the mobile phone hidden under the table: screenshot!Hack her!Increase the attention of the live broadcast room!

Little Taotie noticed that the flower on the head of the opposite host turned into a black mushroom.

This means that this person has changed from liking her to plotting against her and wanting to harm her!

Little Taotie frowned, lowered his eyes, and chose to remain silent.

She just didn't answer the next question the host asked, even if it was related to the work, she chose not to answer.

Soon, Xiao Taotie was hacked to the third most popular search.

The connection directly leads to the live broadcast room, and a large number of spectators squeeze into the live broadcast room, and the live broadcast room becomes full of cards!
(End of this chapter)

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