Chapter 1471 Treat it as practicing a trumpet

Little Taotie was completely unaware of what was happening outside. After she ignored the annoying questions from the host, the little girl was immersed in the plot.

When filming, she got an incomplete script, most of which were about her character design and the content and lines she needed to shoot.

Because she played the role of the heroine when she was a child, that is, the original content of the whole play, or the interspersed content, so she usually leaves the crew after filming, and she will not follow the filming of the whole play, and she will not know the ending of the play. What, because you know a lot of things from the beginning, it doesn't mean that the director won't change his mind or change the script at the last minute.

Xiao Taotie was completely watching the drama, and watched it seriously.

Because of her seriousness, it seems to have infected the audience in the live broadcast room. Their message speed is getting slower and slower, and gradually the content of the bullet screen is getting less and less. In the end, no one speaks, because everyone is immersed in the plot. among.

The first two episodes were over, Xiao Taotie let out a breath, his little face was full of dignity.

Because the plot ended at the most critical point, the heroine suffered a lot of pain and suffering in her childhood, but she also met different people and understood the pain and suffering of others in the transactions.

"Look good." Little Taotie's voice was full of sincerity.

As the officially invited host, if he is professional enough, he should answer the call immediately, and then the two of them will have a big chat about the plot they just watched.

As a result, the host who had been asking Xiao Taotie about the crooked building just now has become a gourd and stopped talking.

Little Taotie looked at her, then lowered his head to look at his watch, the time hadn't come yet, and she couldn't go home yet.

Xiao Taotie felt that the black mushroom on the host's head was too ugly. There was a hole in the mushroom, and there were red, green, and weird liquids flowing out, a bit like something from a trampled tomato.

Little Taotie rolled his eyes away, unable to bear to look directly.

The host was already wasting time, as long as the ending song is over, the live broadcast will be over, and the little plague god can be sent away at that time.

Other programs are eager to welcome the "Little God of Wealth", but when they come to this host, they will become "Little God of Plague"!
The atmosphere was very embarrassing, and even the audience across the screen felt the embarrassment coming to them.

Berries are rich in nutrition: [The host is unqualified, she can be fired! 】

Rose Rose, I love you: [I think this host is so ugly, he has a face with plastic surgery, and his mouth is still crooked! 】

The alarm clock always rings: [What's the matter with her, shouldn't she ask some questions about the plot?What is going on now?Do dumb? 123 Wooden people? 】

Emotions follow the music: [Little Taotie is so pitiful, meeting such an unreliable host. 】

You say a lot of good things: [Go to the hot search list, this host has a really rich life, and he has a lot of experience! 】

My favorite food is cantaloupe: [I just finished watching the melon, it's really big! 】

The bullet screen fluttered so fast that the host wanted to leave immediately to deal with the black material.

Finally, when the ending song was played, the host didn't linger for a second, stood up and left the moment the live broadcast room was closed, and didn't take a second look at Xiao Taotie.

Little Taotie yawned, and it was time for her to sleep.

Recently, she has been overloaded with work. She has filmed too many time-travel dramas. She is also a little tired and doesn't want to shoot anymore.

A little fox was lying on her shoulder: "Don't accept this kind of live broadcast anymore, it's a waste of time. If you have this time, it's better to shoot another time-travel drama."

Xiao Taotie wanted to cry but had no tears: "I don't want to shoot so I will come out to participate in the live broadcast adjustment adjustment."

Feng Qi was puzzled: "Why don't you want to shoot? Don't you want to comprehend the power of time?"

Little Taotie said a little dejectedly: "I have taken so many photos, but I still don't have any insights. I think this body can't understand it. My efforts are in vain. Maybe it will be useful only if the three souls and seven souls gather together."

Feng Qi shook her head: "This is not necessarily the case. The accumulated experience and insights are not in vain. Although you are incomplete now, you are still an independent body with clear consciousness. You can completely regard the current you as a small game created by playing games. It’s like practicing a trumpet.”

(End of this chapter)

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