Chapter 1472

Hearing these remarks, Little Taotie looked at Feng Qi with suspicion.

Feng Qi was stared at by her flickeringly, looked left and right, awkwardly: "What are you looking at?"

Little Taotie approached her, and asked in a low voice, "Are you playing games again?"

Ordinary mobile games, Fengqi cannot play, but since owning VR games, Fengqi can use consciousness to control the game, and recently there is a tendency to become addicted to games.

Feng Qi coughed dryly, her eyes flickered, and her voice became as thin as a mosquito: "Actually... I only play occasionally. I spend most of my time at auctions and exploring the secret realm of ancient tombs..."

Under Xiao Taotie's questioning gaze, her voice became softer and softer, until finally she lost her voice.

Seeing that she was too guilty to speak, Little Taotie snorted, "I am me, not some trumpet!"

Who would treat himself as a trumpet to practice!
Even if it's just two souls and one soul now, Xiao Taotie feels that he is also a complete self, not someone's trumpet!

Feng Qi felt so embarrassed, she was a mature fox with a long life, but was addicted to the game that children like, it would be too embarrassing to say it out.

"I remembered, there will be an auction later, I'll go first!"

"I'm fine, I'll go too!"

"No, no, you are too young to let in."

"Nonsense, I've been to many auctions and let them in."

"Ahem, this one is quite special."

In fact, there is no such thing as an auction, it's just an excuse for her to escape from embarrassment.

"Then what, I'm in a hurry, so I won't talk—"

Feng Qi floated like a flowing cloud.

Seeing her running so fast, Little Taotie couldn't hold back, "hee hee" sniggered.

In fact, she saw that Feng Qi was lying.

"Master is so pitiful, he is being played around by you."

Sister Ah Piao floated out from the horse-faced bell, her voice full of laughter.

Little Taotie blinked his big eyes, which were full of cunning and agility.

Sister Ah Piao asked, "Aren't you busy recently?"

Recently, Xiao Taotie spends most of his time rushing to and from various studios, and he also has to take care of his studies, so busy that he has become a spinning top.

Little Taotie thought of being made things difficult by the host, and sighed. The little girl was mature beyond her age: "I also want to take a break when I encounter a little trouble."

"Take a break, it's not easy for you at such a young age."

Little Taotie is old-fashioned: "There are still many buildings to be built, and many elementary schools to be built. I am burdened with the task of making money."

Seeing her appearance as a little old lady, sister A Piao was amused.

Little Taotie touched his thin face: "My apple muscles are not plump anymore."

"Want to eat chocolate?" Sister Ah Piao smiled. If she could touch it, she would definitely pinch the little girl's face now and make fun of her face, which is full of flesh, and she still has to look like she has been abused and lost weight Small expressions, no one will believe it.

Thinking of the chocolates and candies that I originally stored in the horse-faced bells were all eaten up by Sister A Piao and her husband, Xiao Taotie pouted his small mouth and said angrily, "I want to eat it, but you all ate it all!"

Faced with the accusation of the little girl's round eyes, Sister Ah Piao stretched out her finger, and a gust of wind blew towards the bell on the horse's face. The bell swayed, and many chocolates fell out of the bell, each chocolate having a different shape.

"Evil spirit chocolate!" Xiao Taotie exclaimed, and rushed to pick it up, so as not to get the chocolate dirty on the ground.

She used her skirt to carry a lot of evil spirit chocolates, and counted roughly, there were more than 30 chocolates.

"Sister, where did all this come from?"

(End of this chapter)

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