The real daughter, Xiaotaotie, became popular in the entertainment industry

Chapter 1474 Of course I will continue to do good deeds

Chapter 1474 Of course I will continue to do good deeds
Little Taotie looked at her half-understood, and there was still confusion swirling in those big talking eyes.

Sister Ah Piao's voice was more gentle, and she asked softly: "If you still can't understand, then let me ask you a question, and after you answer it, maybe you can understand."

The puzzlement in Xiao Taotie's eyes became more and more intense, he didn't understand that it was his sister who should answer his doubts, how could it be his sister asking himself a question?
Sister Ah Piao saw her confused face, and her voice was full of laughter: "Let me ask you, will you continue to do good deeds after your selfishness has been achieved? Should you continue or stop immediately? Knock it down, sell those buildings, or stop the habitual donations?"

Little Taotie didn't even think about it, and immediately replied: "Of course I will continue to do good deeds! I will continue to donate money to those in need. I will not tear down the primary schools I built, and I will build more primary schools so that everyone A child can read, can eat in the school cafeteria, and can have beautiful schoolbags and stationery! I will not sell the building either. The building is for fans, brothers and sisters, and they need a place to start. Brothers and sisters who have just graduated need a place to stay to fulfill their dreams, so that they will not be trapped by life and be forced to give up their dreams and pursuits!"

Hearing Xiao Taotie's words, Ah Piao's sister looked at Xiao Taotie more tenderly, and her smile became more cordial, "This is the beginning of the change when you realize the impurity, and the impurity becomes pure."

Hearing this, Xiao Taotie was stunned, and the light spots in those confused eyes gathered, gradually became clearer, and became brighter and brighter.

"Sister, I seem to understand what you mean."

The starry eyes are full of joy and relaxation after release.

She always feels ashamed and sad because of her selfishness and impurity at the beginning. Whenever someone praises her for being kind and cute, she rejects her in her heart, and even feels that she is not cute at all. After everyone knows that she is not cute and selfish , will definitely not like myself.

But now she let go of her burden and threw away the heavy stones on her heart.

Her voice was full of lightness and joy, sweet and soft: "Sister, I was selfish and impure at the beginning. When I achieved my goal, the selfishness and impurity no longer existed. At that time, if I no longer Doing good deeds is the real hypocrisy. In fact, it should start from that moment, which is the real pure beginning. At that moment, continue to stick to kindness and continue to do good deeds. At that time, good deeds are the purest, without any selfishness. Because the purpose of selfishness has been accomplished, it is completely unnecessary to continue, but it can continue, that is pure."

"That's right, little Taotie is really smart!" Sister Ah Piao was not stingy with her compliments, she felt that little Taotie was a child worthy of praise, and she would not be overwhelmed by praise, since she was not happy when she was praised for her good deeds, On the contrary, it can be seen from feeling ashamed that this is a child with such a transparent and clear heart.

Little Taotie blushed, feeling a little embarrassed, "I... am not as smart as Hua Jinyan, just a little bit smarter."

"Sister, I will always do good deeds. My selfish purpose has not been completed yet, so I will do more good deeds with a compensatory mentality, because I am not pure yet. Later, my purpose It has been achieved, without any burden, I will purely do good deeds, always do it, always!"

The little girl clenched her fists to express her inner wishes, her eyes were shining, and her smile was very clean.

(End of this chapter)

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