Chapter 1475 Courier brother is not bad
The host, who was so hacked that he lost his job because of the dirty material, now came to the crew of Xiao Taotie's new drama full of resentment.

She is here as an investor.

Although she lost her job, she has a lot of savings and real estate, most of which come from "ex-boyfriends".

She sold the real estate, took out all the money, and finally got the entry qualification to invest in this drama, and invested all the money in it.

Although she doesn't like Xiao Taotie in her heart, she has to admit that Xiao Taotie is indeed a well-known "Little God of Wealth" in the industry.

On the one hand, she dislikes and loathes the little Taotie, and on the other hand, she wants to use the little Taotie's God of Wealth physique to make money.

She hid in the dark corner like the filthiest mouse, peeping in the direction of the nanny's car, and saw Xiao Taotie getting out of the car under the escort of the bodyguards and entering the set.

She has always wanted to find a chance to take revenge, so she gave out this bad breath, but there was no chance at all.

She is not a person who will give up, so she has been squatting on guard, looking for opportunities to take advantage of.

Little Taotie has long known of her existence through Sister A Piao, and has long sensed a pair of eyes full of resentment staring at him, how could he possibly give her a chance.

On this day, Xiao Taotie was hungry, so Chen Zi ordered a takeaway cake.

As soon as the delivery boy arrived, he was stopped by the host who had been waiting for a long time.

Delivery guy: "What are you doing?"

The host blinked and smiled playfully: "Brother, is the takeaway for Chen Zi?"

The delivery boy looked at the delivery name and nodded: "Indeed."

The host clapped his hands: "That's right, I'm Chen Zi's girlfriend, I'll help him get it in."

She reached out to get the courier, but was avoided by the delivery guy.

The takeaway boy put on a serious face: "This takeaway is for Chen Zi, so Chen Zi must sign for it. You say you are his girlfriend, and you have nothing to prove. I can't believe you."

The host looked at the takeaway bag. She had been ordering cakes from this store before. She rolled her eyes and said, "I like cakes. This is the cake he ordered for me. It was originally for me. ,give it to me."

She reached out again to grab the air.

The takeaway boy frowned, and said in a bad tone: "You said that it is for you, is it for you? This cake is not cheap. If you are a liar, I will pay for the money. I will not give it to you. I must Hand it over to Chen Zi!"

The host was very annoyed, but he still tried his best to maintain a smile: "This cake is not expensive, so how about it, I will give you enough money to pay for the cake, or even far more than this amount, you give me the cake first, if it is true If someone asks you for compensation, you will not lose money, and you can get a sum of money, so why not do it."

The takeaway boy took a step back, with a bad expression on his face: "Why did you give me money for no reason? You are not a good person when you look at your demonic appearance. You are obviously ugly, and you even wear heavy makeup to make it scary!"

After being slandered by bad words, the host was furious, and stopped talking nonsense with him, and went straight to grab it.

The takeaway boy guarded the takeaway bag tightly, and shouted at the top of his voice: "Robbery! Come on, someone is robbing!"

The sound is loud and attracts people quickly.

"Shut up, shut up, don't you just want money, give you money, shut up!" The host took out a stack of cash from his wallet, trying to bribe the younger brother with the money, and told the younger brother to shut up. mouth.

The little brother didn't even look at the money, and pretended to be annoyed after being humiliated, and roared angrily: "Who wants your stinky money! Do you think I want money for no reason? I don't want it!"

The delivery guy shouted even louder: "Come on, someone is robbing!"

(End of this chapter)

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