Chapter 1476 I Can't Accept This Money
The takeaway boy shouted loudly, calling everyone over, the host hurriedly covered her face with a scarf and wanted to run away, but the takeaway boy reached out and grabbed her scarf, grabbing people.

"Let go!"

"Hehe, why didn't you let go when you grabbed the takeaway just now? Are you afraid now? I won't let go!"

The takeaway boy yelled again, his voice was loud and clear: "Come on, look, there is a shameless female thief here, who even wants to grab takeaways! Come and take a look, she looks like a human, Who would have thought it would do something that even a dog like this wouldn't do!"

Little Taotie, Chen Zi and others also came out.Almost everyone was there.

The host tightly covered his face, it was too late to run now, so he could only cover his face firmly, hoping not to be recognized.

"It's you!"

"Oh it's you!"

"Hey, it's you!"...

As a result, everyone recognized her.

Even Little Taotie tilted his head to look at her, his eyes sparkling, with a little expression that I recognize you.


It is said that she is a popular face, has no characteristics, and is not highly recognizable.

She believed it before, and felt that she was not a star material, and no one would recognize her when she walked on the road without a mask.

Now she feels that she is a star face, how can everyone recognize her!

The takeaway boy pointed at her and recounted what happened to everyone.

When they heard that she actually wanted to spend money to buy this takeaway, everyone felt that this matter was not simple.

This person tried his best, and even spent money to buy takeaway food. He must have an ulterior motive.

"Is it my cake?" Xiao Taotie leaned closer and saw the name of the cake on the list, a cake with mocha nut flavor.

Everyone looked at the host in unison, their eyes full of suspicion.

The assistant director is a smart person, and he can see the strangeness at a glance.

This host is one of the investors, so he also knows something about this host. Originally, she is a tepid host. Regardless of whether she is vague or not, there will always be programs for her to host. Really What brought her to a dead end should have been the premiere of a live broadcast, and the object of her interview at that time was Xiao Taotie.

The fact that she's digging holes over and over again for a seven-year-old is disgusting.

What is surprising is that Xiao Taotie made mistakes again and again. In the end, the photos of the host's private life were exposed, and then he was captured, with no chance to stand up.

In fact, if this matter is pursued, no one will believe it without the handwriting of those big bosses behind Xiao Taotie.

The assistant director admired this person very much, knowing that the big brothers behind Xiao Taotie were very powerful, he would still attack her.

Now he still wants to take away Xiao Taotie's takeaway. Is this to put something in the food?

Think of her kindly, maybe play some pranks, put some bugs, or dirty things that make people diarrhea.

But if she thinks a little more viciously, will she put rat poison?Will it be lethal?
Facing the assistant director's scrutinizing gaze, the host couldn't stay any longer, and when the delivery guy accused her of being distracted, he threw off the delivery guy, turned around and ran away.

The takeaway boy wanted to chase him, but was stopped by Chen Zi.

Chen Zi smiled gratefully, and handed him a sum of money, "If it weren't for your persistence, maybe she would have already gotten the takeaway, and no one knows what she would do. Thank you very much, thank you very much."

"This is what I should do. I can't accept this money."

The takeaway brother handed the takeaway to Chen Zi, checked the phone number and name, waved his hand, and said with a smile: "Maybe we will meet again in the future, goodbye."

(End of this chapter)

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