Chapter 1482 Hello, I'm Chen Hu
"Brother Chen, what are you thinking, you laugh so strangely!" Little Taotie approached him and asked in a low voice.

Xiao Chen hurriedly put away the smile that was about to plot against the guy next door, and said with an embarrassed smile: "I was wondering where would be better to take my sister to eat, it's too expensive and extravagant, too cheap and not very good, after all, it's to celebrate my first day at work .”

Sister Elf!

Little Taotie has already imagined a beautiful young lady with fair skin, big eyes, pointed ears, soft voice, and a petite figure!

She really wants to see this Elf lady!

Little Taotie's eyes were bright, and Xiao Li's dimples were deep, and he smiled sweetly: "Brother Chen, to celebrate your first day at work, I'll treat you to dinner tonight and call your sister."

"You invite me..." Xiao Chen said embarrassedly: "This is not very good."

"Why is it not good? You treat me to afternoon tea, and I treat you to dinner in return, and you will help me with things in the future. I should take care of you."

Chen Zi on the side smiled and said: "Little Taotie is very good at eating, you must follow her to eat, don't refuse."

Xiao Chen looked at the smiling Chen Zi, saw him nodding his head, indicating that he would not reject Xiao Taotie's kindness, and quickly nodded gratefully: "Okay, I will trouble Xiao Taotie today!"

Little Taotie was very happy, looking forward to meeting Miss Elf!


A Chinese restaurant, the little Tao Tie talks about the food here.

Chen Zi recognized that this was the shop where Xiao Taotie used to be a small boss.

The employees in the store greeted Xiao Taotie familiarly, all smiling.

The show has already been aired, and the shop has become an internet celebrity check-in shop, and business is booming now.

In fact, when Xiao Taotie came, the outside was already full. The boss opened a back door and reserved a private room for Xiao Taotie.

Because of the booming business, the restaurant that was facing closure has also been revived, and the employees here have also kept their jobs.

"Why haven't you come yet?" Xiao Chen called and urged.

Xiaopingtou touched his own, and was in a daze at the crossroads: "Well, I'm a little lost."

Xiao Chen covered his eyes and sighed bitterly: "Send me the location, and I'll come find you."

"Okay!" Xiaoping was so angry that he almost blew Xiao Chen's ears.

Xiao Chen hung up the phone and sighed, "I'll pick her up."

He looked at the location and was very desperate. Even if she was only 2 minutes away, she could not find it even if she got lost.

Seeing Xiao Chen like this, Chen Zi couldn't help laughing: "It seems that your sister is giving you a headache."

"Hey, forget it, you will understand when you see her!"


Five minutes later, when Chen Zi saw the younger sister, the corner of his mouth twitched.

I really want to ask: Are you sure this is the younger sister, not the younger brother?

Little Taotie's eyes widened, and she tried to look behind Xiao Chen, she wanted to see if Miss Elf was behind them.

The little girl thought to herself: Will the little sister be blocked because she is too petite?
"You're Little Glutton, right? Hello, I'm Chen Hu."

"Chen Hu?"

Little Taotie was stunned, and tilted his head to look at the other party in doubt.

Xiao Pingtou showed his white teeth, and smiled brightly: "I am his sister."

Little Taotie's eyes were even more dumbfounded, and he tilted his head to look at Xiao Chen on the other side, his eyes full of bewilderment and doubt.

Isn't it Miss Elf?

This is... a big tiger?

Flat-headed tiger?

Facing the little girl's suspicious eyes, Xiao Chen covered his eyes in despair, and said angrily, "Her name is Chen Yue, not Chen Hu. It's because she has a rather aggressive personality. People in the school gave her a nickname. Called Tiger, since then, she has called herself Chen Hu."

Chen Zi could tell that Xiao Chen was quite desperate.

Chen Zi looked at the tomboy in front of him with a crew cut, a sweatshirt, a backpack, and no girly features on his body. The corner of his mouth twitched again, thinking that Xiao Chen's despair was not unreasonable.

If he had such a girl, he would probably be even more desperate than Xiao Chen.

(End of this chapter)

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