Chapter 1483 Sister or Brother
Xiao Chen received Chen Zi's expression of understanding, and felt very painful in his heart.

He remembered that his younger sister was still very soft, cute and cute when he was a child, why... Time is like a butcher's knife!
Ruthlessly carved his sister into a younger brother!

In the past, when his younger sister went to school to look for him, someone would always ask him, was this your younger sister or your younger brother, which made him very helpless.

Little Taotie couldn't recover for a long time, until her restless hand lightly touched her little face.

Chen Yue tried her best to restrain herself, but the little girl was soft, white and tender, like a glutinous rice dumpling, she couldn't hold back, so she started!

Well!Really soft!
so cute!

Although Chen Yue looks like a man on the outside, she still pretends to be a princess in her heart. She has no resistance to the cute and soft cutie.

Little Taotie came back to his senses, blinked his big innocent eyes and looked at the little brother who was so excited that his face was flushed, oh, no, it was the young lady.

Little Taotie shook his head, trying to wake himself up.

This elf lady is really not elf at all.

The fantasies in my mind are not at all relevant, not white skin, petite, big eyes, or pointed ears.

This young lady has flat hair like a scrub brush, black and thick eyebrows, small eyes with single eyelids, but a tall nose, and her teeth look white when she smiles, but her skin looks even darker.

This... is clearly a little brother!

"Don't touch it, your hands are so dirty!" Xiao Chen patted off his sister's restless hand, for fear that she would touch it again.

Chen Yue glared at her elder brother, then squatted down and talked with Xiao Taotie. Usually, her voice was trying to be gentle, but in fact it was still rough, "Hi Xiao Taotie, I am Chen Yue, but everyone calls me Chen Huhu, you can call me Huhu from now on." elder sister."

"Tiger... elder sister?" Little Taotie felt strangely uncomfortable, a little impulsive to call Brother Tiger.

"You are so cute, a hundred times cuter than on TV." Chen Yue said with a smile: "My elder brother will follow you from now on, I hope you can forgive him, he is a little bit stupid. "

Little Taotie looked at Xiao Chen who was angry and dark-faced, and couldn't hold back, Xiao Li dimpled and secretly smiled.

This tiger sister is so fun, Xiao Chen's face is black!

Seeing Xiao Taotie laughing and the little dimple sinking slightly, Chen Yue exclaimed in her heart: so cute, really cute!

Her hand was about to move, and she was about to start again. Xiao Chen, who knew her sister's urination very well, grabbed her sister's hand, and said angrily: "Didn't you just keep shouting that you were hungry, eat quickly. "

Chen Yue nodded, took out an alcohol wipe and wiped her hands carefully.

Little Taotie tilted his head to look at her, observing her.

Chen Yue felt Xiao Taotie's gaze, smiled and handed her a wet wipe, "Do you want to wipe it too?"

Little Taotie took out his wet wipes and smiled sweetly: "I have them too, the same ones as Big Sister Tiger!"

Chen Yue looked at the wet wipe that Little Taotie took out, and raised her eyebrows: "It's really the same, it seems that we have the same vision, and we are very destined!"

Little Taotie sank deeply into the dimple, staring at the flowers above Chen Yue's head.

This little sister who looks like a little brother has a white lotus blooming on her head.

Although I heard that the description of a person's white lotus means that the person is not good and has a lot of bad thoughts, Xiao Taotie feels that the flower on the top of Tiger Sister's head is not the kind of flower that contains embarrassment, but really pure, white and dirty.

After looking at this lotus for a long time, my state of mind seems to become enlightened and peaceful.

"Why do you keep staring at the top of my head?" Chen Yue touched her crew cut unnaturally, "Do you think my hairstyle is not good-looking? Although it is not very good-looking, it is easy to take care of. I usually exercise more , often sweating, long hair is easy to get prickly heat, this kind of flat hair is also easier to clean."

"Sister Tiger, do you like sports very much?"

"Yes, I really like the feeling of sweating. When I exercise, my heart beats faster, and the blood in my whole body will flow quickly. I really like the feeling of running with wind, which makes me forget many unhappy things. It will become calm and comfortable after strenuous exercise."

Little Taotie seemed to have found a kindred spirit, and he smiled happily, his dimples sank deeply, his brows were curved, and his eyes sparkled, "I also like sports, I like martial arts, and cool running... "

"I've watched your show. There was one who taught people self-defense in the morning. I also learned a few tricks. It's very good!" Chen Yue raised her thumbs up to Xiao Taotie and laughed: "You're great!"

Little Taotie blushed from the praise: "Sister Tiger is also great!"

"I'm not great yet, I'll try to be great, I have a dream."

"What dream?" Little Taotie asked curiously.

Chen Yue embarrassedly touched her small crew cut, and lowered her voice: "I want to become a world champion."

(End of this chapter)

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