Chapter 1493 The lotus flower changes color
Back in the car, Chen Yue raised a sweet smile, "I'm back!"

Seeing her back, Xiao Chen sighed: "You're a girl, don't hold your urine all the time, it's not good for your health."

"Ah!" Chen Yue blushed, looked at Chen Zi and Xiao Taotie in the car, and patted her brother lightly, "There are so many people, what are you talking about, do I want to lose face?"

Xiao Chen panicked when he saw her attacking her!
You have to know that according to my sister's strength, if the knot is firm this time, I will definitely be green.

When the soft touch came down, Xiao Chen was surprised. She didn't expect that the modeling sister finally showed mercy this time.

Little Taotie tilted his head to look at Sister Tiger, his eyes filled with question marks: Huh?Why did the lotus flower on Sister Tiger's head change color again?

The lotus flower that had been soaked into pitch black by the ink turned out to be pink at the moment, still pink and tender with drops of water.

"Go and eat Malatang, it's almost cold." Xiao Chen urged.

Chen Yue blinked, a little unable to react, thinking that her brother bought herself a Mala Tang.

But she never eats such greasy and spicy food. She likes to dance and needs to keep in shape, so she usually eats very light food.

Opening the lid, Chen Yue frowned when she saw a layer of red oil floating on the soup. Just when she was about to put the lid back on and said she didn't want to eat it, she felt dizzy.

Chen Huhu shook her head, a little dazed, she looked down at Malatang in front of her, a little puzzled.

In my memory, she just got out of the car to buy Malatang, why is she already bought Malatang now that she is in the car?
I touched the temperature through the bowl, and it was a little cold.

Malatang Malatang, must be hot to be delicious!

She couldn't care about anything else, she buried her head in eating.

Originally Xiao Taotie had no interest in Malatang. After all, because she was a child, Chen Yue chose some vegetable and soy products for her, and they were not spicy. My sister ate deliciously, and the little Taotie picked up a spoonful of tofu to save face and ate it.

The soup of this Malatang restaurant is not cooked with ingredients, but a soup base prepared separately, which is made from pure beef bones. Although the soup is not spicy, it looks like the soup is watery, but the tofu absorbs the soup and has a rich taste. Still very good.

Little Taotie loosened his slightly frowning brows, and followed Chen Huhu to eat happily.

Chen Zi and Xiao Chen looked at the two wolf-hungry girls, feeling very helpless. Chen Zi kept persuading the little Taotie to eat less and eat slowly, and Xiao Chen kept trying to persuade Sister Tiger not to eat too spicy food and drink some water , stop for a while, eat less.

"Suck!" Chen Huo sucked the last udon noodle, touched his bulging stomach, and laughed: "It's comfortable!"

Little Taotie took a sip of the soup, stroked his flat stomach, and remained silent.

Let's eat a piece of chocolate, this is not enough!

Little Taotie quietly took out a piece of chocolate and ate it.

Chen Huhu had sharp eyes and saw it, "Little Gluttony, you eat alone! It's not a good thing if you don't know how to share, you will lose your good friends!"

Little Taotie whispered, "You can't eat."

"I can eat it!" Chen Huo stretched out his hand, palm facing up, and begged with a smile, "Give me a piece of sweet mouth, I really want to eat~"

Little Taotie: "..."

Chen Zi gave Xiao Chen a wink, and Xiao Chen hurriedly slapped his sister's hand away, "Am I hungry for you? You are really promising, and you have to be ashamed to ask for everything from a child!"

(End of this chapter)

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