Chapter 1494 Feed Her Evil Spirit Chocolate
Chen Huhu is a thick-skinned guy, he pushed away his elder brother, and still held out his hand with a smile: "Give me one, I'm so greedy~~~"

Little Taotie: "..."

She widened her big watery eyes, which were shining brightly, perhaps she had never seen such a beggar, and her big eyes were full of surprise.

Seeing that the little girl was dumbfounded, Chen Huhu laughed out loud: "Look at your stingy look, I'll just tease you, and I don't really want your chocolate."

Feeling being teased, Little Taotie puffed up his cheeks angrily.

Little Taotie took out a piece of chocolate and handed it over.

This time, Tiger Chen had to ask for it.

She didn't put down her hand until she picked up Xiao Taotie, and kept holding it like this.

Xiao Chen had no choice but to say, "You should pick it up, I asked for it just now."

Chen Zi frowned slightly, and looked at Little Taotie suspiciously.

Can this kind of chocolate really be eaten by Tiger Chen?
Are you sure you won't eat dead people?
Little Taotie avoided Brother Chen Zi's questioning eyes, and the little girl looked out the window angrily, thinking that she would make Sister Tiger suffer.

She chose a piece of chocolate that was turned into the weakest evil spirit. People without cultivation base would not die if they ate it, and they would only have nightmares for a few days at most.

You may dream of some horrible things that happened to the evil spirit before or after death.

snort!Didn't Sister Tiger say that she is very courageous? It depends on whether she is afraid of nightmares!
Chen Huhu saw that Little Taotie insisted on stretching out his hand to give him the chocolate, and said, "I really can't do anything about you!"

She took the chocolate and put it in her mouth directly, showing no sign of "no way" at all, and even showing a look of can't wait.

"Peanut flavor? It's good, it's delicious, no wonder you are reluctant to share it with me, it's really good!" Chen Huo once again reached out to ask for it: "Is there any more? It's not enough to fit between the teeth. I just ate it The taste is gone."

"Hmph! No more!"

Little Taotie turned his back and ignored her.

Eating one piece of chocolate can cause nightmares at most, but if Sister Tiger eats two, it will be bad, maybe you will encounter bad luck, so I can't give any more.

Chen Huhu twitched his mouth and said, "What a cheapskate!"

Little Taotie regretted doing this at first, maybe Sister Tiger is a coward and will be frightened at night. Is it a bit too much, but when Sister Tiger said that she is a cheapskate, Little Taotie thought angrily just to scare her She, bad tiger!

Chen Zi sent Xiao Taotie back to the villa, but Xiao Chen and Chen Huhu didn't get out of the car, they were already in front of the villa, there was no one else around, Chen Zi asked, "Are you sure she'll be fine if she eats it?"

Little Taotie nodded: "I will have nightmares, but for a maximum of three days, on the fourth day there will be no nightmares."

Hearing this, Chen Zi heaved a sigh of relief, reached out and tapped Xiao Taotie's nose, "You! This is not good, what if she is frightened?"

Little Taotie muttered softly: "Sister Tiger said that she is very courageous and is not afraid of ghost stories and horror movies."

"I hope she's not bragging, otherwise she'll have to pay for her bragging." Chen Zi shook his head and laughed.

Little Taotie looked back at the nanny's car, and saw that the windows had been rolled down. Sister Tiger poked her head out, smiled sunnyly at her, and waved goodbye.

Little Taotie pursed her lips, turned and went back to the villa.

Feng Qi, who was lying on her shoulder, giggled: "You don't want to scare her purely, do you?"

A golden light flashed across the palm of Little Taotie, and she reached out to touch the fur of the red fox, "She is very strange, the lotus flower on her head changes color, when she dreams at night, I will ask Sister A Piao to explore her dreams .”

(End of this chapter)

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