Chapter 1498 Little brother is not very smart

Flow Xiaosheng was stunned for a moment, but those eyes gradually brightened, getting brighter and brighter, amazingly bright.

In the advertisement, there will be a big close-up, focusing on his eyes.

This traffic niche has a pair of very charming Ruifeng eyes, which are rare, more deceptive than peach blossom eyes, brighter than Danfeng eyes, and more innocent than dog eyes.

He is also a star who grabs people's hearts with his eyes and is firmly remembered at a glance. He belongs to the same type of eyes that can "kill" people like Xiao Taotie.

Flow Xiaosheng immediately called his girlfriend's flower shop happily, trying to change his voice, "I want to order all the flowers in the store for my girlfriend, the address is..."

Before he could speak, his girlfriend's sullen voice came from the other end of the phone: "Are you sick! There is nowhere to spend the money! Can't you just give it to me if you have money? My flowers can be sold again Go, can't you take money from both ends!"

The flow niche was stunned.

He has worked very hard to change his voice, but why is it still recognized.

The little angel Xiao Taotie supported his forehead and muttered, "This little brother doesn't seem very smart."

Flow Xiaosheng lowered his head and looked at Xiao Taotie blankly.

The little angel Xiao Taotie pointed to his mobile phone, "You use your own mobile phone to make a call, your girlfriend must have made a note, and it is your call."

Flow niche: "..."

In the end, the flower shop was still closed.

It was Xiao Taotie who used a little magic to wave the love arrow.

People who originally wanted to sell flowers in the afternoon lined up in the queue and muttered in confusion: "I want to buy flowers in the afternoon, why are you here now? Forget it, let's buy it first when we come."

"Strange, why did I pass by the flower shop? I went the wrong way! Forget it, let's buy flowers first."

"Hey, why is there a flower shop opposite the milk tea shop? Forget it, just buy it here!"

"The line is a bit long, come back in the afternoon to buy." The customer who was about to leave suddenly received a call, "What, the meeting time has been changed? Two o'clock in the afternoon? Okay, I understand."

Those who wanted to leave continued to line up.

Due to various reasons, customers lined up in front of the flower shop and sold out all the flowers in the shop early.

Flow Xiaohua called her boyfriend: "Hey, I have nothing to do now, are you busy?"

The traffic niche replied hastily: "It's not busy, I'll come and find you right now!"

"Thank you, little angel!" Flow Xiaosheng knelt down, wanting to kiss the little Taotie.

Little Taotie was taken aback by his sudden action, and took several steps back, creating a distance of three meters.

The director yelled at Ka, frowning: "What's going on, there is no scene, why did you suddenly add a scene!"

Flow Xiaosheng smiled awkwardly: "I think it would be better to shoot this way, I played it on the spot, I'm sorry."

The director warned in a deep voice: "Don't add any more scenes!"

The traffic niche nodded vigorously, with a good attitude of admitting his mistakes.

But the director doesn't like this kind of performance of a good boy. If he is really a good boy, he won't add extra dramas indiscriminately.

I hate this kind of expression that is obviously a traitor, but still pretends to be harmless.

A proper green tea man!
The director was not very happy, but the commercial still had to be filmed, so he suppressed his temper.

He asked softly, "Aren't you scared?"

Little Taotie patted his heart, and replied honestly: "I was a little scared."

The director sighed softly, and his voice became more gentle: "Don't be afraid, if he messes up again, I'll replace him."

The traffic niche was a little anxious: "Director, I swear, I will never add scenes indiscriminately!"

The director didn't even look at him, and asked Xiao Taotie softly, "Can we continue filming?"

Little Taotie touched his own feathered wings, and nodded obediently: "You can shoot."

(End of this chapter)

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