Chapter 1499 Apologizing Traffic Niche

The traffic niche appeared at the door of the flower shop. The girl walked over slowly, and suddenly reached out and handed a piece of chocolate to her boyfriend's mouth, and said lightly, "Happy Valentine's Day!"

Flow Xiaosheng opened his mouth and ate the chocolate, immersing himself in the smoothness of the chocolate.

There will be special effects in the later stage, so it will be over soon.

Little Taotie stood looking at them from a distance, staring at the chocolate, suddenly the remaining chocolate in Xiaohua's hand disappeared.

"Hey! Where's my chocolate?" Liu Xiaohua searched everywhere.

The traffic niche helped her find it together.

As soon as the screen turned, Little Taotie bit the chocolate together with a "ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh."

Little Taotie returned to the group of angels. In the picture, she gave chocolates as souvenirs to each angel, and also to the stone gods.

In the middle of the night, the angels fell asleep with the stars, the stone statue moved, and the moonlight shone on his knife-cut outline, which gradually softened. He turned into a handsome man, wearing a Western-style dress, with his chest slightly open, revealing his well-defined muscles. Chest, he held a piece of chocolate in his hand.

After taking a sip, God also fell into this silky sweetness, and fell in love with chocolate ever since.

The filming of the commercial is over, Xiao Taotie has just taken off his wings, and the traffic Xiaosheng came to him, saying that he apologized for the sudden addition of the scene.

Chen Zi said lightly: "No need, it has nothing to do with it, so there is no need to apologize."

Flow Xiaosheng held a bento box in his hand, and said apologetically, "I didn't expect that I would suddenly be like that. Maybe the little Taotie is so cute. I regarded her as a real little angel. This is a bento I made myself. If If you don't dislike it, just treat it as a gift of apology, and I hope she can hope."

Why is Chen Zi willing to let the little Taotie eat this kind of food of unknown origin, with a faint smile on his face, wearing a fake mask, the smile is very stiff and alienated, he pushed the bento box back, "The child has a bad stomach, eat Everything has been formulated by a nutritionist, no need, thank you."

If someone who knows current affairs should take the bento box and leave, but this traffic niche seems to be unable to understand human language, and is still talking about what is in the bento box, it is very nutritious, and children are fine to eat, yes Made with healthy oils...

The smirk on Chen Zi's face was almost unbearable. He had never seen such a person who could not understand human language.

Taking a deep breath, Chen Zi straightened his face, "If something goes wrong, can you be responsible?"

His voice was cold and full of impolite questions.

This sentence can be regarded as ignoring the traffic niche.

Flow Xiaosheng was stunned for a moment, and wanted to say that he could be responsible, but when he saw Chen Zi's cold and alienated eyes, he blushed belatedly, "I'm sorry, it's my fault, children have a bad stomach, so don't mess around. Eat something, I'll take it now, I'll go first."

Seeing him running away in a panic, Chen Zi frowned tightly. He has seen many people of all kinds, but this little trafficker is hard to understand. You say he is pretending, but he doesn’t look like it. But unnatural.

Chen Zi didn't return to the lounge until the little student was out of sight. At this time, Xiao Taotie had already changed his clothes and was wearing a comfortable furry orange coat. His whole body looked like a sweet sunny orange.

"Brother Chen Zi, was he the one who shot the advertisement just now?"

Chen Zi nodded: "I said I was sorry for the sudden addition of drama, and I came here to apologize, and I even gave you a box of bento, but I refused because I was afraid that the unknown food would spoil my stomach."

"That's it..." Little Taotie licked his lips, feeling a little hungry, took out an evil spirit chocolate from his pocket and ate it, "When are we going to see Sister Tiger?"

"Xiao Chen has already picked her up from school, she should be here soon."

(End of this chapter)

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