The real daughter, Xiaotaotie, became popular in the entertainment industry

Chapter 1508 Senior Brother Did What He Shouldn't Do

Chapter 1508 Senior Brother Did What He Shouldn't Do
The entertainment industry has long been rotten, how easy is it to become a rose blooming amidst the rottenness?
Flow Xiaosheng still remembers, that day, his brother asked him to drink.

The senior brother drank a lot, but he still looked sober, as if he was not drunk, but when he spoke, he seemed drunk.

"I want to be the hero."

"I want to make a movie."

"I want to be on stage to receive an award."

"I want to be a world superstar."

"I want a lot, before leaving school, I have a lot of dreams."

"But you know, they are all bubbles. After entering the society, every day is like a needle piercing a bubble. In the end, all the bubbles are burst. My dreams are gone. What I want to do Things are gone, as long as there is a character to shoot, no matter how male it is, even if it’s a walk-on, as long as there are lines, I will rush to shoot.”

"But no, I don't even have a role in playing a dead body that can't speak and is lying there quietly."

"What should I do to get back my dreams and accomplish all the things I want to do?"

He smiled and poured wine into his mouth, "I see."

"Do you want to know?"

The traffic niche nodded vigorously at the time, he hadn't left society yet, he was about to graduate, and wanted to gain experience from his senior.

The senior brother approached his ear, he smelled a choking smell of alcohol, and the voice in his ear made him even more uncomfortable, "Do whatever you can, put yourself down, understand?"

At that time, he vaguely felt that his senior brother had done something he shouldn't have done.

Later, after he graduated, he just wanted to join his senior brother when he heard the news that his senior brother and his rich wife were raped by the husband of the rich woman! ! !
How old is the rich woman in her sixties? ? ?
Hearing this news, he was in a bad mood.

And the movie in which the senior brother worked so hard to get the leading male role was only released for two weeks, and it was taken off the shelves because of the scandal.

At this time, he recalled his senior brother's sentence: "Do whatever it takes, let go of your body" and suddenly felt a little sick. It seemed that he could still smell the unpleasant smell of alcohol, which was disgusting.

Although this agent sometimes does things that are not very popular, he likes to hype and gossip, but at least he has not been allowed to do anything that betrays himself. One of the reasons for being able to endure it.

"Do you want to be popular or not!" the manager suddenly roared angrily.

The traffic niche came back to his senses, and sighed: "Think about it, is there anyone who doesn't want to be popular when he is a star? If he doesn't want to be popular, he won't choose this line of work."

"In that case, please listen to my arrangement. Tomorrow, I will visit Xiao Taotie's production crew. I will send someone to notify the reporter. When the time comes, you can pet Xiao Taotie's head. If you can hug him and hold him high, you'd better be intimate and behave yourself. You seem to have a very good relationship with Xiao Taotie, we will try our best to confirm that you are about to become the fourth brother of Xiao Taotie."

The traffic niche raised his forehead: "Aren't you afraid that those three big bosses will make trouble for me?"

"I'll just look for it. I just have a chance to meet them. When the time comes, you will be sweeter and be a better person. Try to please them. Maybe they will really fall in love with you! By the way, you are a good cook, cook something delicious Visiting the class, Xiao Taotie likes delicious food, you have to work hard!"

"I really just want to make a good movie. Why do I do this, and I still want to take the heat of a little girl. I think we are so despicable, and I don't want to do it from the bottom of my heart."

"If you don't want to do this, don't you want to do what your senior brother used to do?"

Facing the manager's meaningful eyes, the traffic niche fell silent.

The atmosphere dropped to freezing point.

After a long time, the manager sighed: "I don't want to force you to go that way, after all, you are considered a little red now, you can rely on your strength, and I don't want you to rely on selling your appearance. It's not doing something bad to ask you to please Xiao Taotie now , she is a very cute little sister, don't think that she is a little star, don't you want to make something delicious for such a cute little girl?"

(End of this chapter)

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