Chapter 1509 Made a Dessert Choice
Flow Xiaosheng sent his agent away in silence, tossed and turned without falling asleep, and finally he made a choice.

As despicable as it was, he still wanted to take advantage of the seven-year-old.

There are not too many ingredients, find milk, eggs, butter, cocoa powder, and low-gluten flour.

He is going to make a chocolate cake.

After the semi-melted butter and milk are fully blended, add a small amount of low-gluten flour. He adds three egg yolks, cooks slowly at low temperature, and adds cocoa powder after all the ingredients are mixed together. It is very simple, it is his mouth when he loses weight. For the gluttonous dessert, he added a little zero-calorie sugar, and the cake liquid was considered complete.

He found a red polka-dot mug, poured the cake liquid into the mug, and put it directly in the refrigerator.

After freezing for two hours, the cake liquid solidified into a cheese-like texture, and a zero-calorie sugar dessert that tasted like raw chocolate but was more solid than raw chocolate was completed.

He put the mug sealed with plastic wrap into the thermal bag, checked the time, and contacted the agent when it was about the same time.

When the phone was connected, the agent asked, "Have you figured it out?"

"Yeah." His voice was a little tired: "I made some snacks."

"Very well, I will pick you up later and send you to visit the class."

"it is good."

Just hung up the phone, the phone rang.

The traffic niche looked at the caller ID, it was an acquaintance whom he hadn't contacted for a long time.

Remarks: Brother!
It was the brother who had gone astray and was completely decadent.

The traffic niche frowned slightly, staring at the phone closely, the ringtone kept ringing, and an exciting and very dynamic song was playing.

The music is over.

He let out a breath, just picked up the phone, the ringtone rang again.

The caller ID is still Senior Brother.

He still didn't answer, and kept looking at the phone quietly until the ringing stopped by itself.

He stared at the phone until the screen went dark. After a long time, there was no call, and he was completely relieved.

He put on a blue T-shirt, a pair of dark jeans, and a cowboy hat. He looked very young and lively. He smiled in front of the mirror. The smile was sunny, but his eyes were not smiling. Staring at the eyes for a while, the eyes are slightly bent, and the pupils are full of smiles. They look friendly, very much like a brother next door.

This is an actor, who can play any role, and can even use this ability in life, and sometimes he can't tell whether he is acting with a fake mask or really laughing.

He took the thermal bag and opened the door of the hotel room, but he saw the person standing at the door. The friendly smile on his face gradually froze and disappeared.

"Why didn't you answer the phone?" The man at the door took off his mask. He had a vicissitudes of face, but this face was very handsome, exuding a kind of ruffian.

Back then, this face was also liked by many young girls, but after the scandal with the rich woman broke out, his fans turned back into black fans.

Flow Xiaosheng looked around, saw no one saw, hurriedly pulled the senior brother in, closed the door forcefully, and lowered his voice: "Why are you here?"

"Answer my question first, why didn't you answer the phone?"

"I didn't know you called me."

"Really?" The senior brother sneered, looking around the room, "You are the only one."


"Do you know how long I stood at the door?"

Hearing this, Liu Xiaosheng was taken aback for a moment, his brows could not help but frown as he thought of something.

"The sound insulation here is not good. I heard your mobile phone ringing at the door. What are you doing? I don't know if your mobile phone is ringing?"

(End of this chapter)

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