Chapter 1510 Take me to see Little Taotie

The traffic niche opened his mouth, wanting to explain something, but when the words came to his lips, he didn't say anything in the end, so why is there any need to explain?

His silence is a default.

By default, I heard the ringtone of the mobile phone, let the mobile phone ring, and deliberately did not answer the call.

Seeing this, the senior brother's self-deprecating smile widened: "I am a plague, right? Those who see it should avoid it?"

Flow Xiaosheng lowered his eyes, still silent.

This kind of silence is very uncomfortable, more like mocking him silently, or telling him with silence: You are self-aware.

"I was wronged!" The brother said angrily.

He was like a mad angry lion, with big copper bell eyes widened, a ferocious expression, and pulsating veins on his forehead.

Flow Xiaosheng exhaled, and after a long silence, he finally spoke out: "Is it important to be wronged? The current senior has no future."

"Yes, I have no future, but I am not reconciled, I am not reconciled to living as an ordinary person!"

"In the beginning, I was an ordinary person. Why can't I become an ordinary person again? Brother, the road to stardom is a single-plank bridge. Every day, some people give up, and some new people want to take this road, but they fall all over their bodies. Finally, they can walk How many people are there at the finish line? Senior brother is wronged, which means he is incompetent. You can take advantage of it, right? If you lose, you must afford to lose. Don’t act like a mad dog in front of me impotent rage."

The senior brother looked at him in shock, never thought that this little junior would say such heartless words with such an indifferent expression.

Suddenly, he understood.

That's right, this little junior is no longer a student who hadn't entered the entertainment industry. Now that he has entered the entertainment industry, he has also become a famous traffic niche. He can maintain his current reputation without being blackmailed or harmed by others. , we can see his means.

It was me who underestimated, underestimated this little junior brother, and still stuck in the past impression, thinking that this was the same little junior brother who accompanied me to drink, listened to myself complaining about the cruelty of society, and would be full of curiosity and look at me with wide eyes.

"Don't look at me like this. I know that I have changed, and my brother has changed too, right? If it doesn't matter at all, I won't give others a chance to take advantage of it."

The senior brother smiled wryly: "Yes, it's because I didn't plan ahead. I originally wanted to deceive the rich woman, and I didn't want to pay any price. I didn't expect to be drugged by the rich woman, let alone the oriole. He set his sights on me and the rich woman, and he found a chance to frame me."

The traffic niche waved his hand: "These are all in the past, why did you come to me this time?"

As the saying goes, if you don't go to the Three Treasures Hall for nothing, it must have taken a lot of effort for this senior to find out the hotel he stayed in, and it shouldn't be just reminiscing about the old days.

"Okay, I'll just say it straight, I know you have a chance to get close to Xiao Taotie, I want to meet her, you take me to meet her."

"Can't do it."

"Don't rush to reject me, we were all from the same school back then, and the matter between you and Xiaoying is no secret..."

"Are you threatening?"

"Xiaoying lost her child because of you."

Flow Xiaosheng clenched his fists: "This is between me and her."

"You are a public figure now, aren't you? You still have private rights? Your fans should really want to know every bit of you in school, including you and your first love..."

"Enough." Flow Xiaosheng looked at him gloomyly: "What can change after seeing Xiao Taotie?"

(End of this chapter)

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