Chapter 1511 Brothers Are Not Good People
"You don't have to worry about what can be changed, you just need to take me to see her."

"You threatened me with this matter. From now on, there will be no brotherhood between us. Are you sure you want to do this?"

"Pfft!" The brother raised his head and laughed loudly: "If there is still brotherhood between us, do you still need me to threaten? You will naturally take me to see Xiao Taotie. Since you don't talk about friendship first, why can't I threaten? And you?"

"Okay, very good." Liu Xiaosheng nodded: "I can take you to meet Little Taotie, but after this meeting, I hope you won't come to me again in the future, I don't want to see you again."

"Yes." The senior brother readily agreed, narrowing his eyes slightly, and a strange light flashed away in his eyes.

The man said that Xiao Taotie has a once-in-a-century hot physique, as long as he gets close to her and gets a piece of her hair, that person can cast a spell to transfer this hot physique to himself.

He has no other way, even if it is a lie, he still has to try, it's just a hair.

As long as you see the child, you will definitely get a hair.

"I hope you will do what you say. You'd better keep your promise not to tell about Xiaoying's affairs. If you let me hear rumors about me and Xiaoying, let me know that you spread them, and I will definitely not let you go. "

"Don't let me go?" The senior brother smiled angrily, "I didn't notice it before, but there is something on you, otherwise Xiaoying wouldn't obediently kill the child, and wouldn't obediently go abroad, everything is up to you, I naively waited for you, thinking that after you became famous, you would go abroad to find her and marry her."

"You know a lot." Flow Xiaosheng narrowed his eyes dangerously.

"I forgot to tell you that my girlfriend is Xiaoying's best friend."

The traffic niche glanced at him in disgust, "You're already like this, how can a woman still fall in love with you?"

"You are such a scum, Xiaoying still believes in your words, and I have never really let that rich woman succeed, why can't a woman fall in love with me? I am different from you. If my girlfriend is pregnant, I will never Because Qianqian told her to have an abortion, you are committing a crime, and it is no different from murder."

"Enough." Flow Xiaosheng impatiently said: "I used to respect you as a senior brother, so I listened to you preaching, what identity do you use to preach to me now, shut your mouth, trash."

"You!" The senior brother glared at him angrily, clenched his fists and raised them.

"You want to hit me? If you hit me, you won't see Little Taotie today."

The senior brother took a deep breath, finally put down his fist, his face was gloomy.

The agent saw that Liu Xiaosheng got into the car with a man covered tightly, and was about to ask who the other party was, when the man took off his mask by himself.

The agent recognized that the other party was the guy who disappeared in the entertainment circle because of the rich wife scandal, and his face immediately turned dark, "What's the matter with you, bring all the smelly and smelly things to my car!"

The traffic niche lowered his eyes, he was very honest in front of the manager, and looked a little cowardly.

The senior brother gave him a sideways look, and sneered in his heart: This kid can really bear it, he's quite good at pretending.

"Let him get out of the car immediately." The manager said angrily.

Liu Xiaosheng had a bitter face, and his voice was a little pleading: "Brother, let him go to visit the class with me, I...he has caught some of my lifeblood."

The manager's face turned even darker: "What's the matter?"

"Xiaoying." He uttered two words in a low voice.

Hearing these two words, the manager immediately silenced.

He knows everything about the artists under him. He is very clear about Xiaoying's affairs, including Xiaoying beating the child and going abroad to wait foolishly. Feel lonely cheating, find an excuse to break up.

As a result, every man he sent out to deliberately approach Xiaoying succeeded.

That woman is really stupid.

Unfortunately, she fell in love with the wrong person.

The manager lowered his eyes and said lightly, "I see."

The agent didn't mention the matter of telling people to get off the car, but stepped on the accelerator to start it.


Xiao Taotie came to the set, and today she played the role of the heroine's little sister.

The heroine is a time-traveling girl who became a peasant girl in ancient times. Her father broke her leg while hunting, and her mother broke her eyes early on embroidery. She is the eldest daughter, and there are three younger sisters. Xiao Taotie plays the youngest sister.

This family is not welcomed by the villagers. It's okay if the four golden flowers in the family don't have a son, and everyone is unlucky. No one wants to approach their house for fear of getting bad luck.

Xiao Taotie was surrounded by three older sisters when he first arrived on the set. The heroine is a popular actress, very beautiful, even in rustic clothes with a dirty face, she is still pretty.

"Cub, I like you so much!"

Little Taotie couldn't hold back the enthusiasm of the hostess sister, and was hugged and kissed several times by the hostess sister.

(End of this chapter)

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