Chapter 1512 Use coffee powder instead

The uncle director patiently explained the scene to Xiao Taotie: "You are sick and you have to lie on the bed, and wait for your elder sister to come back to save you. When the elder sister gives you bitter soup, you have to refuse it. It took a long time before you took a sip. , I almost spit it out at the first bite."

Little Taotie blinked, and asked in a childish voice, "Is the medicine very bitter?"

The director smiled and said, "It won't be very bitter, I will ask people to use cocoa milk instead."

The little brother from the props team ran over with a bitter face: "Director, I bought the wrong one, I bought coffee powder."

"Don't buy it again!" the director said angrily.

The little brother in the props team was helpless: "It's too far away from the city, and it takes at least two or three hours to go back and forth."

Because the heroine traveled to a remote mountain village, the current shooting location is also using real scenes. They are filming in a rural area deep in the mountains.

Today is Saturday, and Xiao Taotie was sent to the mountain village early in the morning. Because she is a little sister, she doesn’t have many scenes, so as long as she shoots three scenes today and two scenes tomorrow, she can leave at [-] o’clock tomorrow afternoon, and she can go back to the villa at most. Nine o'clock, so as not to delay the children's study, this is what Chen Zi and the director have discussed. Little Taotie comes to film every weekend, and try to arrange the show on weekends.

The director looked at the time and frowned.

Today, Xiao Taotie has to shoot three scenes. If there is a delay of two or three hours, one will be missed. If this one is postponed to tomorrow, there is no guarantee that Xiao Taotie will return home before nine o'clock tomorrow.

Chen Zi repeatedly reminded, Cheng Dong said that Xiao Taotie must return home at 9 o'clock, sleep is good for children's growth at a young age, and they must lie down in bed at 10 o'clock.

The director rubbed his temples and said in a muffled voice, "Then use coffee powder instead, and put more sugar."

Little Taotie pricked up his ears to eavesdrop, and as soon as he heard the word "coffee", he jumped up and ran to hide behind the hostess sister.

The female protagonist's sister protected the little Taotie, quite like a big sister: "Little sister, don't be afraid, who bullied you? Big sister will help you deal with him!" As she spoke, she rolled up her sleeves, looking as if she was about to fight.

A white and tender little fleshy hand stretched out from behind the heroine, pointing a finger in the direction of the director.

The director was a little confused when he was pointed at, and he spread his hands blankly, with an innocent face: "I didn't do anything!"

Little Taotie complained in a milky voice: "He wants to give me coffee, uncle director is bad!"

"Bitter!!! I don't want to drink it!" As if recalling an unpleasant memory, Xiao Taotie stuck out his tongue with a look of disgust.

The director made a bitter face: "Isn't this the wrong purchase? The scene is a bit rushed, and it's too late to buy it again now. I can only use coffee powder instead. I will add more milk and sugar when the time comes. Don't worry, it won't be bitter! "

As a fan of Xiao Taotie, the hostess watched the short video of Xiao Taotie, and knew that Xiao Taotie was bitter with coffee, and had cast a shadow on coffee and rejected coffee.

The hostess gave the director a blank look: "Zaizai is only seven years old, how can he drink coffee, if he can't sleep at night, it will affect the child's growth!"


He didn't think it was that serious, but when the hostess said this, he lowered his head a little ashamed, and said in a muffled voice, "Then I'll think of a way."

The director pulled the boy from the props team aside and urged, "Quickly think of a way, what else can replace it besides coffee?"

The little brother in the props group frowned tightly, and saw a village child running over with a dog, and slapped his forehead: "We can ask the villagers to borrow it!"

"Then hurry up and borrow it!"

"Me?" The boy from the props team said with a bitter face, "This is the fault of the procurement, why is it my fault?"

"Don't talk nonsense, go!"

(End of this chapter)

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