Chapter 1513

"Record!" The director ordered, and the whole crew fell silent.

As the eldest sister, the female lead sister came to the bed and saw the little Taotie lying on the bed with a pale face and eyes closed.

The camera is on Xiao Taotie's small face, the director looks left and right, always feeling that something is not quite right.

Seeing that his expression was wrong, the deputy editor asked in a low voice, "Is something wrong?"

The director frowned tightly: "I watched Xiao Taotie's variety show before, and I thought she was very suitable for this role, but looking at it now...why is she a bit mellow?"

Yuxue is cute, and the white and tender little girl is almost as good as a princess. To play a poor peasant girl, or the kind of poor girl who has been hungry for several meals, is a bit out of the play.

The assistant director froze for a moment, then asked cautiously, "What variety show?"

It shouldn't be the first time that little gluttonous show appeared in the public eye as he thought.

At that time, little Taotie had not yet been adopted, and was still a poor little boy who was beaten by his adoptive mother in the mountains.

It is undeniable that the appearance at that time is perfect for playing the little sister in the play.

But a year has passed, and the child is the age that changes the fastest day by day, and he is no longer that skinny and pitiful little boy.

The director took out his phone and found a video.

In the video, the little girl raised her eyes with hope, "I want my sister to like me a little bit!"

Manli was stunned for a moment, and met the little girl's eyes, as if she was bewitched.

These are a pair of very bright eyes, with a dark circle around the pupils, and the eyes are azure blue, like the night sky is full of stars, bright and vast, all-encompassing.

It is involuntarily shocked by such a pair of eyes.

"Look, this is the show, the little Taotie in the video is exactly the same as the character in my heart!"

The corner of the assistant editor's mouth twitched: "Little Taotie is no longer the poor little fellow who couldn't get enough to eat."

The director sighed: "It's so well raised, why did you gain so much weight?"

"Hush! Don't let the little Taotie hear it, little girls don't like to hear that!"

The director sighed again: "You said if I asked her to lose weight for the role, would she be beaten up?"


"You gave the answer too quickly." The director was extremely frustrated.

The deputy director shrugged: "Chen Zi is not easy to deal with. If you make such an unreasonable request, you will be scolded by Chen Zi first, and then this word will be passed on to Director Cheng, and you may be withdrawn. By the way, there is also the mysterious little Taotie. The second brother is not easy to provoke, and Gu Dingliu may refuse any cooperation with you, so if you calculate it, it is probably worse than being beaten."

"If you don't speak, no one will treat you as dumb!"

"I'm not doing it for you yet."

"Cut! Pause for a moment, Xiao Taotie needs to make up a costume." The director shouted to the staff, "Call Xiao Taotie's make-up artist over here."

Little Taotie opened his eyes blankly.

The heroine's sister touched her small face, "The director asked the makeup artist to touch up your makeup."

Little Taotie was even more at a loss.

The makeup artist heard the director's order and said helplessly, "I don't dare to put on too much makeup, it's not good for my skin."

The director was depressed: "She is too fair and clean, she looks like a rich girl at first glance, how does she look like a peasant girl?"

The make-up artist was taken aback for a moment, but then burst out laughing.

The director's face became even more stinky: "What are you laughing at?"

The makeup artist suppressed a smile and said, "Which of the four golden flowers looks like a peasant girl? Director, don't be too demanding of Xiao Taotie."

The director frowned and looked at the heroine, and found that the heroine was still very beautiful with her face blacked out, and she had a superb temperament, but she was a time-traveling girl, so she barely fit the character design.

He turned his head to look at the other two golden flowers waiting to be photographed. Seeing this, he almost fainted.

The second sister has fair skin, false eyelashes, blush, and lipstick, all of which are not bad. Who can buy rouge for makeup if a poor peasant girl who can't afford food?
The third sister is even more exaggerated. In order to have a good hairstyle, it is fine to have airy bangs. She also wears a small pearl headdress and earrings on her ears!
"No, they have to be changed! Everything has to be changed!"

The director lost his temper, and all four golden flowers were taken away by the makeup artist to remake the makeup.

The assistant director muttered: "It's just a film and television work, there's no need to really look like a peasant girl without makeup, if it's too ugly, the audience won't like to watch it."

(End of this chapter)

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