Chapter 1516

Little Taotie ran all the way, covering his little face, trying to find a toilet to wash his face, but he bumped into the uncle director who came to urge him.

Little Taotie bumped his nose, covered the bridge of his nose, his eyes widened in shock, turned around and was about to run, but was picked up by the director uncle, "Yeah, whose little pockmark is this?"

Little Taotie: "..."

"Little Taotie, you are so heavy." The director uncle just hugged him, and quickly put him down on the ground.

In fact, he wanted to hug this little cutie for a long time, thinking it was soft like a doll, but when he hugged it, he realized that it was a shot put!If you want to hug it, you still need a little arm strength!

The uncle director, who was a bit thin and loose in his body, said that he didn't have the strength.

Little Taotie: "..."

If it hadn't been for seeing the flowers blooming on the director's head, Little Taotie would have thought that the director hated him for making fun of him!
Xiao Taotie exclaimed angrily, "I'm going to the bathroom to take off my makeup. Goodbye, uncle director."

She waved her little hand and was about to run, but was blocked by the director uncle.

"Don't, this makeup is just right, just want this effect!"

Little Taotie: "..."

I don't want to film anymore!
She remembered what Xiao Lingzhi said: "Girlfriend, we have to pay attention to our image in the future, we have to take those beautiful scenes, and don't take those ugly characters."

At that time, Little Taotie was puzzled: "Why?"

Xiao Lingzhi had an expression full of experience: "I made my debut earlier than you. I started filming very early. You know my agent too. It's not very reliable. When I didn't have independent self-awareness, he I took a lot of dramas without permission, and in one of them I played the beggar's daughter, she was ugly, her hair looked like it hadn't been washed for hundreds of days, it was oily and messy, her face was covered with mud, and she was wearing a beggar's costume, Don't mention how ugly it is! Someone in my class who I didn't deal with, actually found out my photo at that time, and now he's taking it out and complaining about me when he has nothing to do! It's too late for me to hide this dark history!"

Little Taotie felt that his protruding cheekbones and pockmarked face would also become a dark history that he wanted to hide!

In order not to create such a dark history, Xiao Taotie wants to remove her makeup quickly!
The director couldn't persuade him, so he put on a straight face and pretended to be angry: "Little Taotie, it's wrong for you to be like this. As an actor, you are no longer yourself, you are the role, and you have to pay for this role. Give everything! You have to put your heart and soul into this role, you can't be so delicate!"

squeamish! ! !

Hearing the word squeamish, Xiao Taotie pursed his mouth and his eyes were red.

The uncle director, who was pretending to be angry and wanted to scare the little girl, noticed that the little Taotie's eyes were red, and he got anxious and knelt down to comfort him: "Don't cry, people think I'm bullying you!"

The uncle of the director looked left and right furtively, afraid that someone would pass by and find out.

Little Taotie suppressed tears, the little girl clenched her fists, as if she was irritated, and said fiercely, "I'm not a squeamish little girl!"

She felt that the word "squeamish" was an insult to herself!

She is going to be a handsome general like the eldest princess!
The director was taken aback, he didn't expect that he just said the word "delicate" casually, but was irritated by the little girl.

what!This is good for motivating little gluttons!
The director felt that he had found a way to deal with Xiao Taotie!
Uncle director smiled: "How could our little Taotie be a squeamish little girl? Only those squeamish little girls rely on their faces to make a living, and we rely on our strength to make a living! Don't talk about pockmarks on your face, even if you paint it pitch black, it won't delay us." power, are you right?"

Little Taotie roared in a milky voice, "Yes!"

Chen Zi, who came to look for Xiao Taotie, heard the conversation between the director and Xiao Taotie, and the corner of his mouth twitched involuntarily.

Little Taotie walked aggressively to the shooting location with unrecognizable steps, put down her little hands covering her face, and showed off her pockmarked face with prominent cheekbones, with a proud little expression of dedication to art!
Chen Zi: "..."

Hmm... how should I put it, this director has something.

(End of this chapter)

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