Chapter 1517

The staff tried their best not to laugh, and whoever dared to laugh would be stared at by the director. The director threatened with his mouth: salary deducted!
So, humbly beating workers, for the sake of wages, even if you have internal injuries, you have to hold back!

Little Taotie looked left and right, saw that everyone had weird expressions, put away his proud little expressions, his little face frowned, and his little brows frowned.

As everyone knows, she is more funny like this, and the freckles on her face are more obvious.

A cameraman almost couldn't hold back his laughter. Fortunately, the heroine came to the rescue. The director saw the heroine coming, and hurriedly shouted: "Get ready!"

Those staff members who were holding back their laughter until their expressions were distorted are very normal at the moment. This is the quality of the workers. Once they start working, they are very serious, and nothing can distract them.

"Start, record!"

This director is so unique. He doesn't like to play with foreigners. He starts recording with a foreign language. Why can't he just say: "Start recording?"

After hearing the recording, everyone went to work.

Little Taotie was lying on the bed with his eyes closed, sickly, with the corners of his mouth slightly relaxed and drooping, revealing a bit of pain.

She remembered that the director uncle said that illness is very painful, even if you are asleep, you can't have a peaceful face, but you have to show a little uncomfortable expression.

The camera was focused on Xiao Taotie's face. When he saw the little Taotie's micro expression, the director couldn't help but raised his thumb, thinking in his heart: very spiritual!
The heroine's sister entered the play very quickly. She looked at the little girl on the bed with the eyes of a stranger. When she saw the little girl's thin and pitiful appearance, because of sympathy in her heart, there was sympathy in her eyes, and she couldn't bear to say more. Look away.

At this time, there will be a psychological activity of the heroine. She is a time traveler, and everyone here is unfamiliar to her. Only some memories left by the original owner will make her feel familiar with this place, but emotionally it is still Indifferent.

But people who were born in the sun, seeing such a poor child, can't help feeling sympathy and pity, even if this is not the original owner's own sister, but just a passerby, she will also feel such sympathy.

The uncle director zoomed in on the heroine's micro-expression, stayed in her eyes for a moment, nodded, and thought: This actress has a good performance, but luckily he didn't listen to the investor's replacement.

The second sister who had finished boiling the medicine ran over with a black medicinal soup, "Elder sister, this is on credit from Mr. Li, please drink it for my younger sister!"

The hostess took the medicine bowl in a daze, and frowned: "Do you want me to feed you?"

"The younger sister is afraid of suffering, only the elder sister can pour the medicine down, and everything we feed will be spit out." She lowered her head a little afraid of this elder sister, submissive.

"How to pour it?" The hostess stood by the bed and asked a little embarrassed.

"The elder sister used to pinch the younger sister's chin and pour it in directly."

"This...won't it choke?" The heroine's brows frowned even tighter.

"It used to be like that..."

"It's better for you to come." The hostess handed over the medicine.

"No, no, I'll waste it. We can only get this bowl of medicine on credit, so don't waste it."

The hostess was silent for a moment, and saw the little girl on the bed frowning in pain, biting her lips slightly, as if she had a nightmare.

"Wake up." She tried to wake up the little girl, trying to get her to drink it herself.

"If you don't drink the medicine, I'm afraid you won't be able to wake up." The second young lady at the side whispered.

The hostess sighed, and had no choice but to give medicine. Although she had never given medicine before, there was a first time for everything.

She didn't want to drink it directly like the original owner did. Seeing a wooden spoon in the bowl, she tried to feed it spoon by spoon, but after a sip, the medicine soup slipped out from the corner of the little girl's mouth.

The second sister on the side muttered bitterly: "It's over, it's over, it's a waste of a bite."

"You can only drink it by pouring it?" The hostess sighed: "Then it will be offended."

The hostess grabbed the little girl's chin, opened her mouth, and poured down the soup.

Little Taotie was forced to swallow, a little uncomfortable, but he persisted and finished filming the trick.

Until the director shouted: "Very good, let's call it a day!"

Little Taotie opened his eyes and sat up, coughing a few times suppressed, the hostess and second sister rushed over to pat her on the back.

The director's uncle brought tea and a cup of warm boiled water to the little Taotie, and asked concerned: "Drink some water slowly, is it better?"

(End of this chapter)

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