Chapter 1523 Not an idiot, but a nympho

"I was at the scene at the time, and I saw you were taken away." A staff member smiled disdainfully: "Don't deny it, there were a lot of policemen in the hotel at that time."

He was arrested and raped under the eyes of everyone. At that time, the staff also went to see the excitement, and saw the man in black and the rich woman in the same room, and the room was full of people, including the furious husband of the rich woman .

They have already appeared in a room in a hotel, what else can be denied?

Even if he was framed by someone, and he was not afraid of the shadow, he would not be able to go to the appointment to meet this rich woman, and he would not fall into the trap.

The staff present are all smart people. With a colleague standing up as a witness, of course I choose to believe this colleague who is usually very loyal.

"Nothing happened between me and that old woman! Don't look at me with such dirty and questioning eyes, you have wronged me!" The man in black suddenly roared frantically.

This yell startled the second sister actor standing in front of him, "Why are you yelling, whether you are wronged or not, it has nothing to do with us! Who cares if you are wronged! We are going to question now Yes, why do you keep knocking on the door! You should go if no one opens the door, why keep knocking endlessly!"

"Did you have some conspiracy, so you insisted on seeing Xiao Taotie?" The staff member who stood up to testify determined that this man was not a good person, looked at him suspiciously, and asked in a cold voice.

As soon as this remark came out, the discussion started again.

"Do ordinary people stand here and knock on the door all the time?"

"Of course not. If no one answers the door after knocking for 2 minutes, they will think that there is no one inside and leave."

"He keeps knocking on the door, which means he knows that Little Taotie is inside, so he keeps harassing him."

"Thinking about it, it's frightening. A stranger who looks like a villain stands at the door and keeps knocking on it. It's no wonder that children are not afraid inside!"

"Fortunately, Chen Zi is here, otherwise Little Taotie would be terrified."

Someone looked at Chen Zi and asked doubtfully, "Brother Chen, why don't you open the door?"

"I opened the door and saw an unfamiliar person and a stranger visiting, I told them to leave at that time, but when I closed the door and went in, they not only did not leave, but kept knocking on the door, when the little glutton was eating , I didn’t bother to talk to them, so I just let them knock on the door.”

As soon as these words came out, everyone looked at the director in unison.

Today is a weekend. In order to prevent crazy fans from sneaking in, the entire crew is closed. If you want to come in and visit the set, you must contact the person you are visiting to get permission.

What Chen Zi meant was that these two people were uninvited guests, and they didn't contact them in advance, nor did they get permission.

So the question is, how did these two people get into the crew?
Could it be that he was visiting other people, passing by Xiao Taotie, and wanted to meet Xiao Taotie?

After all, this traffic niche has worked with Xiao Taotie before, and they do know each other.

Facing the doubtful eyes of the crowd, the director, who is loyal to the line of sight, also expressed doubts, and he was also full of question marks.

Immediately, the director asked, "Who brought these two into the crew?"

There must be a staff member who checked the phone number before bringing them in, so who is the staff member who brought them in now?
Half of the crew members were here, and no one stood up at the scene, obviously this person was not among them.

The assistant director said with a sullen face, "I'll check."

The director nodded.

He didn't choose to ask the traffic niche and the man in black. He felt that these two people were not very good at telling the truth, so he might as well ask the assistant director to investigate. He still trusts the assistant director's ability.

The assistant director was really reliable in his work. Within 10 minutes, he found the staff member who made the mistake and brought him here.

The girl was young, her eyes were red, and she had obviously cried before coming.

"Tell me, why did you put them in." The director asked coldly.

The girl's voice was hoarse: "I thought they had a good relationship with Little Taotie. I'll believe whatever they say."

"Are you an idiot? Believe what others say!" The director never expected that there would be such an idiot under his command.

A staff member whispered, "She seems to be a fan of that popular male star?"

The director heard it with the tip of his ear, and immediately understood everything.

This is not an idiot, but a nympho!
(End of this chapter)

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