Chapter 1524 What did you pick up just now

After figuring out that the staff member brought this person into the crew on his own initiative, the director gave the assistant director a look, which almost meant to fire this person.

The assistant director has followed him for a long time, and one look is enough to comprehend.

This leader seldom fires staff, but he is not a softie. He thinks that people who break his bottom line and break the rules he set must not be kept.

There are legitimate reasons, maybe they will be punished lightly, but this is too outrageous, just because of star chasing.

As a social person, you can't delay work just to chase stars. It seems like a small mistake, but if Chen Zi is not here today, Xiao Taotie will definitely be scared, and what is the purpose of these two people coming here to find Xiao Taotie? Well, if Xiao Taotie opens the door, no one knows whether he will be kidnapped or not.

The director looked at the pair of seniors with scrutiny, "Give me an explanation, otherwise, I think I should call the police and ask the police to question you."

The traffic niche immediately panicked: "Director, Xiao Taotie and I know each other. We have worked together before. You can ask Xiao Taotie. I just passed by here and learned that Xiao Taotie is filming here, so I came here to visit the set. There is really no malice. .”

"No malice? Then if I tell you to leave, you should leave instead of knocking on the door." Chen Zi sneered.

The director's suspicious eyes deepened: "What is your purpose?"

Flow Xiaosheng sighed: "Brother, don't hide it, tell them, you are a fan of Little Taotie."

The brother's eyes flickered, and he put on an embarrassing expression very cooperatively: "What nonsense are you talking about? How could I be a fan of a kid? How should I behave if it spreads?"

This contrived look is well done, and it can be seen that he has some acting skills.

"Stop acting. Although your acting skills are very good, what you act is what you act after all. Don't forget, I am the director."

The director has a pair of sharp acting skills. While identifying good and bad acting skills, he can also identify performance and truth.

The senior brother frowned, and raised his voice: "I'm here, I can't see anyone, it's shameless, I'm just very upset and deliberately knocked on the door to harass them! Even if the police come, what can they do to me, just knock on the door It's just that I didn't do anything!"

"Senior brother, don't provoke the director!" Flow Xiaosheng scolded his senior brother, then bowed his head to hide from the director: "We really don't mean anything malicious, but my senior brother just has a bad temper, so don't take it to heart, we will deal with it right now." Go, don't disturb your work!"

"Senior brother, hurry up!" He pulled his senior brother to go out, lest he really call the police to make things worse. Senior brother has already broken the jar, but he is different. He is still a traffic star. If there is a scandal If it gets out, you will lose a lot of fans.

The senior brother suddenly flopped, and the traffic niche lowered his voice: "You still don't leave!"

"Go, go now!" He seemed to pick up something, Liu Xiaosheng looked at his hand, but there was nothing, and it seemed that there was something, he looked carefully, wanting to see clearly, but he saw his senior move his hand quickly Insert it in your pocket.

Liu Xiaosheng looked at him suspiciously, and his senior brother pulled him back: "Let's go!"

Assistant Director: "Do you want to stop them?"

The director didn't answer, but looked at Chen Zi: "Do you want to pursue it?"

Chen Zi shook his head, his eyes were light: "There is no need to waste time, there is still a scene to be filmed in the afternoon."

The arrival of the police will definitely delay work, and the scene of Xiao Taotie will be delayed later, and he may not be able to go home early tomorrow.

The director waved his hand, the staff who originally wanted to stop them dispersed, and the two ran away from the crowd.

Outside the set, the traffic niche asked, "What did you pick up just now?"

The brother put on a mask and sunglasses, the corners of his covered mouth raised, "It's nothing, it has nothing to do with you."

(End of this chapter)

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