Chapter 1530 Panshan is another price
Xiaoying, who is far away in her country, doesn't know that her beloved and trusted boyfriend is tempting to pursue her.

The traffic niche who hung up the phone showed a gloomy smile.

The motorcycle stopped at the foot of a mountain, and the motorcycle driver said, "I'll take you here."

"Can you take me up there?"

"You let me take you up the mountain? Are you not afraid of accidents?"

The traffic niche hesitated for a moment, then nodded: "I'll add your money."

Motorcycle driver: "First settle the money for sending you here, and I'll think about it later."

In order to get him to agree, Flow Xiaosheng readily gave two thousand.

The motorcycle driver's eyes lit up when he saw so much money, he quickly took the money out of his hand, counted it, and put it in his pocket after making sure it was all real money.

"Tell me, I will send you up, how much will you give me?"

"two thousand."

"That's not going to work. I'll send you here. You can earn two thousand without any risk. If I go up the mountain now, maybe there will be an accident. It's so dangerous, no matter what, it must be more than before!"

"Three thousand."

"At least double it."

Flow Xiaosheng didn't expect this person to be so greedy, he was annoyed in his heart, but his face was calm: "I don't have that much cash with me."

"That's okay, you can transfer money, just add a friend."

The traffic niche doesn't want to be friends with this kind of person, so he frowned: "I only scan the code."

"Okay, then you scan the QR code to pay."

The traffic niche turned around four thousand aggrievedly.

Seeing the money arrived, the motorcycle driver immediately smiled and asked him to get on the bus again.

At this moment, when I went up the mountain, I could no longer see the car in front of me. Fortunately, I saw a car parked in front of a villa at the top of the mountain. The driver was sitting in the car, obviously waiting for someone to continue to send it back.

Seeing this scene, the motorcycle driver was moved in his heart.

If this person wants to send it up by himself, he must send it back by himself. Isn't it possible to make another fortune?
Flow Xiaosheng came to the door of the villa and wanted to knock on the door, but thinking that his senior brother was inside, it was hard to explain why he knocked on the door.

Only after the senior brother left, could he knock on the door and find out where it was.

He was going to find a place to hide for a while, but when he saw that the motorcycle driver was still there, he frowned and walked over: "Why don't you leave?"

What if the senior brother came out to see him and he talked nonsense?He must be told to leave quickly!

The motorcycle driver rolled his eyes and grinned: "I thought you must go down the mountain."

Flow Xiaosheng met his dishonest eyes and knew that he was thinking of earning more money for himself, so how could he give him another chance?
When it's time to go down the mountain, you can use taxi-hailing software to hail a taxi, and there's no need to make money for him.

"No need, this is my home, I'm going back to my own home, why do I have to go down the mountain?"

The motorcycle driver was surprised: "Do you live here?"

He remembered that this was a gymnasium.

Is this man a Taoist priest?
But no matter how you look at it, it doesn't look like it!
The motorcycle driver looked at him suspiciously, "Do you really live here?"


"Is there really no need to go down the mountain?"


"Then I'm leaving. After I'm gone, it won't be so easy for you to go down the mountain."

The traffic niche didn't bother to reply, so he just waved his hand to say goodbye.

The motorcycle driver handed him a note with his name and phone number on it, but he refused to accept it. The motorcycle driver stuffed it into his pocket forcefully, "Call me if you have anything to do, the price is negotiable."

Watching the motorcycle driver leave, Liu Xiaosheng heaved a sigh of relief, turned around to find a place to hide, only to find that the driver of the car was looking at him curiously.

If the driver talks nonsense, the brother will still know!

He thought for a while, took a cigarette and walked over to pass it to the driver, "Are you waiting for someone here?"

(End of this chapter)

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