Chapter 1531

The driver took the cigarette and chatted with him first: "Are you from this mountain?"

"Yes, I am here."

"What were you looking for on the mountain just now?"

The driver took him looking for a place to hide everywhere as looking for something, and the corner of the traffic niche raised his mouth, and replied: "I lost a lighter, which was given by my ex-girlfriend. I thought I would go to retrieve it when I found it, but now it seems that I can't find it." Here we go, forget it."

"That's a pity, why don't you look for it again?"

"Don't look for it, the past is the past, are you waiting for someone here?"

The driver didn't answer just now, but this time the driver answered: "I'm an online car-hailing service, and a customer asked me to take him here."

"Didn't you already deliver it, why don't you go back?"

"The order is over, but he privately said to give me more money and told me to wait here and send him down the mountain when he comes out."

"This business makes a lot of money, right? There is no need to pay the taxi software company a share."

The driver took a puff of his cigarette and said with a smile, "It's not much more, and I'm not a black-hearted person, so I can't ask for a high price."

"You are really a good person. The motorcycle driver sent me up just now and charged me thousands of dollars."

"How many thousand?"


"Then his heart is really dark."

The traffic niche was about to say something when the phone rang suddenly: "What? Okay, okay, I'll find a transportation to take it there!"

After hanging up the phone, he heard the driver ask, "Are you looking for a transportation?"

"Yeah, there is a contract that I want to send, and I want to find someone to send it to me."

"You are on the mountain, I am afraid it will be difficult to find someone to take you off."

"Yeah, it's quite difficult. I used to find someone to deliver, but I waited a long time before someone took the order. I also added a lot of money."

"How much did you add?"

"Five thousand, and you have to transfer it privately, so you are willing to give it to me."

"Five thousand!" The driver gasped: "You are really rich, why did you agree, it is clear that you are being blackmailed!"

"It can't be helped. Who made me anxious? This time, it is estimated that I will add five thousand. Hey, forget it, as long as it can be delivered."

"Brother, can I give it to you? I don't want more."

"How much do you want?"

"It depends on where you are going to send it."

The traffic niche reported an address, which was the broker's home address.

"It's a bit far away, and it costs more than 200 yuan to take a taxi. How about it, on the basis of the gas fee, you can give me some travel expenses, [-] percent?"

Flow Xiaosheng was already ready for the lion to open his mouth. Unexpectedly, he agreed on the spot for only one thousand, but he hesitated: "Aren't you waiting for your guest?"

"It's just a verbal agreement. He didn't give me a deposit, and he didn't place another order in the software. I left as soon as I left, and he couldn't find me. Besides, even if he came out, it might not be necessary to send him off the car." If you can give me [-], of course it will be delivered to you first, after all, you are in a hurry, and he can go to the software to place the order by himself after he comes out."

"What if he finds you based on the last order?"

"That's okay. I said I have something urgent, but he can't help it, can't he?"

"That's true, you are very thoughtful."

"Then what do you think of our business?"

"Okay, this is one thousand cash, and this is the contract, please help me deliver it to this address."

"Don't worry, I will definitely deliver it to you. That's it. I'll go now."

Watching the car drive away and go down the mountain, Liu Xiaosheng smiled, turned around and hid behind a big tree.

(End of this chapter)

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