Chapter 1532 Little boy takes one step at a time

Mosquitoes buzzed endlessly around his ears, and Xiaosheng kept tickling them to drive them away. It was strange that he didn't see the mosquitoes, he only heard the sound, and he didn't see them when the light was too dark.

After about half an hour, the closed wooden door was finally pushed open.

He looked out cautiously and saw the back of his senior brother leaving, and that back walked lightly and full of pleasure.

He wanted to wait for his senior brother to go a little further before going to the villa to find out. Suddenly, a boy dressed as a Taoist priest walked around the big tree and ran in front of him.

"Master invites you in."

Hearing the childish voice, Xiaosheng was startled. He looked left and right, and only knew that he was hiding here because there was a surveillance camera installed here.

"What can I do?" He was a little flustered.

If he wanted to find out, he also explored quietly, but now that he was pointed out and hid here, there is no face to go in.

"Don't go!" Xiaotong blocked his way: "Master said, if you want to know the purpose of the person in front of you, just ask in person, don't sneak around."

"Who is sneaking around!" He was a little short of breath, and coughed dryly: "Just go!"

The little boy covered his mouth and laughed, and stood in front to lead the way.

The traffic niche looked at the direction where the senior was leaving, for fear that the senior would wait for the bus here, but fortunately the senior was going to walk down the mountain by himself after seeing the driver, and did not stay any longer.

He breathed a sigh of relief when he didn't see his senior brother, and then he came out from behind the big tree and followed the boy to the gate.

As soon as he walked in, the door behind him was closed by a gust of wind, and there was a heavy closing sound. He was startled, his eyes enlarged, and he looked back in horror. He saw the portrait hanging on the door. The portrait was of four seasoned Each of the old Taoists held their own mahogany weapons in their hands, and stared at their eyes as big as copper bells, looking fierce.

Not to mention that Ah Piao, who saw the portrait of the door god, did not dare to offend at will, even a living person like Liu Xiaosheng was so frightened that his face turned pale.

"Don't be afraid of strangers." The boy's voice was childish.

Even more afraid!The traffic niche gasped.

He understood, the meaning of these words is: the dead will be afraid of this portrait!

It also means... Maybe there really is a Piao in this world?

This kid must have scared himself on purpose!

The traffic niche shook his head, trying to stay calm: "Hurry up and lead the way."

The little boy nodded and didn't say any more, but led him step by step.

Flow Xiaosheng had been looking up at everything in front of him, looking at the scene in the courtyard, but he lowered his head inadvertently, saw the footprints along the way, and his heart skipped a beat.

When he looked back, there were only a pair of small footprints, which meant that the soil here was not made by stepping on one footprint at a time. After all, he didn't leave his own footprints, which meant how amazing the strength of this little boy was!

He didn't dare to underestimate this child anymore. This kind of child wearing Taoist clothes must have practiced kung fu since he was a child, so he couldn't offend him.

"It's here!" The little boy said happily, knocking on the door: "Master, he's here."

"Well, you go and play."

"Okay!" The little boy jumped up and down happily.

The traffic niche wanted to catch up with Xiaotong, but when he looked back, the figure had long since disappeared, and he didn't know where he went.

He took a deep breath, did not dare to go in, but asked outside: "What do you want from me?"

The door opened suddenly.

"come in."

Liu Xiaosheng looked up and saw only a screen. He was a little scared and didn't dare to go in rashly. He lowered his voice: "If you have anything to say, just say it, and I won't go in."

(End of this chapter)

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