Chapter 1533
The people inside did not make a sound, apparently disagreeing.

Flow Xiaosheng wanted to say something else, but he felt someone pushing him from behind, like hands, and like an invisible wind.

He looked back, there was no one, and there was wind in his ears.

Is it the wind?

This is even more frightening!

If Xiao Taotie were here, he would have seen that at this moment, there was a Piao stretching out his hands to push this little student forward.

Flow Xiaosheng screamed out in fear, and just as his voice sounded, he felt someone gag his mouth again.

And at this moment, there was indeed a small hand blocking his mouth, and there was a naughty little Apiao sitting on his shoulder. The little Apiao was pale and his lips were black. He was probably poisoned to death in his lifetime.

The traffic niche was so frightened that he almost fainted, he walked around the screen uncontrollably, and saw the old man sitting on the mahogany chair.

The old Taoist wore some old Taoist robes, but the Taoist robes were very clean and turned white from washing.

He has long hair, which is already gray, but his face is full of collagen, which may be the legendary "white hair and youthful face".

Flow Xiaosheng panicked and opened his mouth to say something, but his voice still couldn't come out.

The old man waved his hand casually, "Go back."

As soon as the words fell, Flow Xiaosheng felt his body relax.

After the pair of invisible big wind-like hands on his back were released, he relaxed, his feet softened, and he knelt down on the spot.

The old Taoist looked indifferently, as if looking at ants, "Get up."

His hands rested in emptiness.

Flow Xiaosheng felt that he was lifted up by a gust of wind, and his face turned paler. He really wanted to kneel down to this expert this time!
so horrible!

There must be something unclean here!
"You... what's the matter with you?" Flow Xiaosheng's voice was trembling.

The old Taoist didn't answer, but looked at him indifferently, as if looking at another person through him.

In the sight of the old Taoist priest, this handsome young man was followed by a little baby who had become a human being, but was completely unrecognizable.

Most of these children have been formed in the mother's womb, but were forcibly aborted.

This should be behind the young man, that should be his "sin"!

The old Taoist waved his hand, and the baby burned like a flame. The flame was gray and black, and it was resentment.

The baby has become a wraith.

The old Taoist took out a censer with a cover from his sleeve, and the baby shrunk and was put into the censer. The old Taoist closed the lid and put it in the wide sleeve again.

This scene, in Liu Xiaosheng's eyes, was like a pantomime, and he couldn't see the little wraith full of resentment.

The old Taoist looked at Liu Xiaosheng with indifferent eyes: "One hundred thousand."

The traffic niche was puzzled and looked at him suspiciously.

"Charge one hundred thousand to eliminate disasters."

"Me?" Flow Xiaosheng pointed to himself, wondering: "What do you mean by giving you [-]?"

The old Taoist nodded slightly.

The traffic niche wanted to curse, but he didn't dare to speak out when he thought of the weird things that happened here. He just wanted to get out of here quickly, even if it cost a hundred thousand to be powerful, he was willing to give it.

"...Can I transfer money?" His voice trembled.

The old Taoist knocked on the table with his fingers, the drawer opened by itself, and a note flew out from the drawer, on which was the bank card account number.

And in the sight of the old Taoist priest, at this moment, the pale kid with black lips was smiling and winking at him, his eyes conveying: I am good, am I good or not, I am your caring little padded jacket!

(End of this chapter)

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