Chapter 1534 Little Glutton's Hair
If he didn't see the note flying by himself, he might be able to deceive himself and others, but now that the note is flying in front of him, how can he deceive himself?

He can be sure that there are "unclean things" here!
He tremblingly stretched out his hand to pick up the note, because if he didn't pick it up, the note was about to slap him in the face, he vaguely felt an impatient gaze looking at him, but he I didn't dare to look up, for fear that I might see something I shouldn't see.

He extremely regretted coming here with his senior brother, he shouldn't be curious!

He had already seen that his senior brother was weird, so he shouldn't have come alone!
If the other party refuses to let me go after giving the money, then... it's over.

He didn't dare to delay, and he didn't dare to give less money. When transferring the money, he even transferred one hundred thousand more.

The mobile phone in the drawer issued a text message tone, followed by an AI voice, reporting the content of the text message and the amount received.

The old Taoist was not happy because he transferred [-] more, but frowned tightly.

This line has its rules.

He accepted the extremely resentful spirit, and the maximum fee he could charge was [-], even a little more, as it would affect his Dao heart and cultivation.

"Come here." The old Taoist stared at Liu Xiaosheng coldly.

Flow Xiaosheng was so frightened that he forgot to breathe, almost suffocated himself, and coughed in embarrassment: "Ahem, okay, I'll come over, what's the matter..."

"Take your phone out."

"Good good..."

"Password 123456."

"Okay, press it."

"Turn back the extra [-] you transferred, no more points, no less points."

"Ah? Then... what is the bank card password?"


"it is good……"

The traffic niche finished all this in a trance, waited for the text message to sound from his mobile phone, and saw the [-] transferred back, the whole person came back to his senses, and then thought about everything just now, it seemed a little fuzzy, and he didn't remember the operation of the mobile phone just now. Time for mobile phone password and bank card password.

He suspected what the old Taoist had done to him, but he didn't dare to ask, let alone accuse him, he just bowed his head obediently and timidly, stepped back, and retreated to his original position.

The old Taoist glanced at him and said calmly: "You hid behind the big tree to spy on that man just now, what do you want to ask?"

"Don't dare, there is nothing to ask."



The old Taoist said indifferently: "Since you are here, if you have any questions, please ask."

The traffic niche figured it out, and he couldn't leave without asking, so he could only tremble and say: "That man is a senior from the same school as me, and we usually have a good relationship, I saw him picking up something and sneaking here, I followed out of curiosity."

"Want to know?"


"Do you want to know what he picked up?"

"...May I know?"

"It doesn't matter." The old Taoist looked at one place, which was the direction of the little Apiao with black lips. The little Apiao flew to the drawer, and the small wooden box in the drawer floated out. The small wooden box was opened, and inside was a red cloth. On the red cloth is a black hair strand.

"Hair?" Liu Xiaosheng was a little stunned, never expecting that what his brother picked up furtively was just a piece of hair!
Whose hair is it?
Thinking of the weird behavior of the senior brother insisting on seeing the little Taotie, the behavior of leaving after picking up the hair, then this hair probably belonged to the little Taotie, the senior brother probably wanted to see the little Taotie because of the little Taotie's hair.

(End of this chapter)

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