Chapter 1537 Broken Teeth
"Pindao said that fate is the path he chooses, but different."

"Didn't the owner of the hair choose it himself?"

"Yes, she didn't choose it herself."

"Who chose that?"

"This... poor Taoist is not counted, but he should be a powerful person."

"Master came to the hair owner to tell the hair owner that her luck and fate have been changed?"

The old Taoist nodded: "It's almost like this. Changing their fate was their own choice before reincarnation, so even if they saw everything when they were dying and knew that it was the poor Taoist who changed their fate, they would not hold any resentment. Let one be willing to fight and the other willing to suffer, Pindao has no grievances or enmity with them, and they are both clean. But if she didn't choose it herself, knowing that Pindao changed her fate, and knowing everything, how can she feel no resentment in her heart? ?”

"So Master told the owner of the hair to know all this, just to prevent it in advance, so as not to let this person feel resentful."

"Ruzi can be taught."

"Hee hee, let me just say that I am very smart. Master speaks well, and I can understand everything!"

The old Taoist gave him a sideways look in disgust, "Those who have roots of wisdom can comprehend the meaning even if they miss a few words."

"That's different."

"Heh, what's the difference?"

"Those who are smarter than me are not cuter than me. Those who are cuter than me are not as strong as me. Hee hee, I am one in a million. Master said it himself. I am destined to be with you, but others are not!"

The old Taoist raised his forehead and waved his hands: "Don't look at the mess in the secular world."

ah!Did Master know about secretly watching cartoons?

The child's guilty eyes fluttered, his mouth pouted, and he didn't make a sound.

The little A Piao with white face and black lips groaned and said, "He watched cartoons yesterday, but he hid it from me, it's too bad!"

"Ah! You are talking nonsense!" Xiaotong stood up and ran over to fight with little Ah Piao.

Little Ah floated here and there, "Slightly, slightly, you can't hit me! No matter how strong you are, it's useless, you can't hit me, you can't hit me, hahaha~"

"Damn it! I want you to know how powerful I am!"

The little boy took out the yellow talisman, but when he heard a cough behind him, he immediately put the yellow talisman back into his pocket, turned around, and smiled cutely and honestly: "Master, is your throat uncomfortable? I'll pour you a cup of tea!"

The old Taoist gave him a squinting look, and said nasally, "Yes."

The little boy ran away, and when he ran past Xiao A Piao, he gave Xiao A Piao a hard look, his eyes seemed to say: You wait for me!


Xiao Taotie is not in a good mood today. She originally tried garlic ribs today, which is a delicious dish. She also likes it very much, but from today onwards, she will never like this dish again!
Chen Huo covered his mouth and suppressed a smile: "If you don't eat it, I'll make it round."

Little Taotie turned his back as if he didn't even look at the garlic ribs.

Xiao Chen kicked his sister, "Don't bully her!"

Chen Huo blinked his eyes and looked innocent: "I didn't knock out her teeth, it was because she gnawed on the ribs too hard and broke her teeth."

"Shh! Be quiet!"

Chen Huhu grinned: "It's useless for me to keep my voice down, she has sharp ears, she must have heard everything."

"Hmph!" Little Taotie snorted heavily, expressing his dissatisfaction.

Chen Zi took a bowl of custard, dug a spoon and fed it to Xiao Taotie's mouth, "Good boy, eat more or less, you can't go on a hunger strike just because you lost a tooth, right?"

Little Taotie was furious, and turned his back to Chen Zi, but he didn't want to open his mouth.

She lost her front teeth!
How to meet people!
(End of this chapter)

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