Chapter 1538 Surrounding Her
Hearing that my sister has lost a tooth, the big bosses who are good brothers came here together.

The first one to arrive was Cheng Guodong, and when he arrived, he saw his younger sister's annoyed expression, and Chen Zi was coaxing him to feed the custard in distress.

Cheng Guodong wanted to laugh a little, but he was afraid that his sister would be even more angry. He felt that his sister's angry appearance was not like a little glutton, but like a little puffer fish.

Hmm... is it because my sister's face is more rounded?
It's better not to tell my sister about this kind of thing, lest she will be more angry.

Seeing the big brother standing at the door, Little Taotie was so wronged, he jumped off the chair and rushed over with his short legs.

"Big brother!"

This shout exposed her small gums.

The small appearance with one missing front tooth can no longer be hidden.

Cheng Guodong froze, trying not to laugh, squatted down, and picked up his sister.

"Brother, I will order garlic horn for the second time!" (I will never eat garlic ribs again!)



A puff came from Xiao Chen, a burst of laughter came from Chen Huhu, and Chen Zi, still an old clam, held back.

"Brother, get tired of them!" (Look at them!)
"Ahhhhh, Xiaohu me!" (Joke me!)

Facing the girl who was talking out of the air, Cheng Guodong worked hard to hold back his smile. Seeing his younger sister's fierce tits, Cheng Guodong patted her head to comfort her, "Hey, I'll clean them up for you!"

Little Taotie's eyes were shining brightly, looking at Cheng Guodong expectantly.

Cheng Guodong assumed the attitude of a big boss, and gave Xiao Chen a cold look, "Your performance this month is not up to standard."

Xiao Chen: "!!!"

Like thunder!

A thunderbolt from the blue sky!

If the performance is not up to standard, there will be no performance award and perfect attendance award!

He hadn't become a full-time employee yet, and his salary was already lower than others, but now he lost his performance bonus and attendance bonus, a total loss of [-] yuan!
Xiao Chen glared at his younger sister who was still laughing, he was so tired to have such a tiger younger sister!
Xiao Chen said angrily: "This month, you have no pocket money!"

Chen Huhu's eyes were round and full of disbelief, and he was furious instantly, roaring: "Brother, did you make a mistake! You can't do this, and I'm going to use my pocket money to buy a new pair of knee pads! It's too much!"

"If you say it's gone, it's gone. I don't have enough money to spend, so I can't give you money!"

Seeing them quarreling, Little Taotie hesitated again, pulled his elder brother's sleeve vigorously, "Brother Xiao Chen didn't arrive late or leave early, and his job is pretty good, let him pass."

"Then have you calmed down?"

"I don't really have the spirit of a monk." (I'm angry.)
The little girl lost her voice again.

Cheng Guodong held back his smile and nodded: "Okay, since you interceded for him, then forget it."

Chen Huhu's eyes lit up, "Brother, can I return my pocket money?"

Xiao Chen rubbed his nose: "Thank you little Taotie, you can't laugh at her anymore, if you laugh at her again, I won't give it up."

Chen Huhu muttered, "It's as if you weren't smiling."

Qin Xin, Gu Yixing, Tao Bin, and Tao Shen all arrived. It was the first time for Chen Huhu to see such a scene, and he became a little envious.

Little Taotie stood in the middle, and her five brothers circled around her, coaxing her to eat.

But the little Taotie didn't give anyone face, he kept his mouth tightly shut, but he didn't want to open it to eat.

It seems that there is a shadow, and I am afraid that I will lose a tooth after eating.

Chen Huhu pushed his elder brother and muttered: "I changed my teeth when I was young, why didn't you chase me and coax me to eat?"

(End of this chapter)

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