Chapter 1543 I am the master of this family
Tao Mo hit Tao Tiancheng's calf with his cane, and Tao Tiancheng howled, "Dad!"

Tao Bin was stunned when he saw this scene with his forehead covered.I shouted in my heart: Grandpa is mighty!

Tao Mo stood with a cane, looked at his little grandson, and asked, "You have already made a decision, and it will not change no matter what."

Tao Bin nodded heavily.

Life is his own, he will never compromise!
No one can influence his decision!
He is a strong man, so he should serve as a soldier and serve the country!
"You are not fifteen or sixteen years old now, nor are you at the age of rebellion. Let me think that this is a rational decision for you, not an irrational state of going against your family."

"Grandpa, I'm not the kind of person who goes against my family!"

Liu Mingzhu cried and said, "You are! I won't let you go, but you insist on going. Aren't you against me!"

Tao Bin was speechless for a while, not knowing how to tell this crying mother.

"Okay, don't cry." Tian Leran held back the daughter-in-law who was going to pester her grandson.

To be honest, she doesn't like this daughter-in-law very much.

But her son liked it, and she didn't stop it back then.

After so many things, you can see whether a person can stand up to things. Look at the daughter-in-law here, she can't stand up to anything.

If it was placed in the war-torn era, Duo Tuo would be the kind of person who is holding back.

Although Tian Leran is old, she is a little old lady who loves dancing, fitness, and music. Her hands are so strong that Liu Mingzhu can't shake them off. Finally, under the stern gaze of her mother-in-law, she can only stop struggling , she was a little afraid of this mother-in-law in her heart.

Tao Mo looked at Tao Shen, the genius grandson, and asked, "What do you think about your brother?"

Tao Shen pushed his glasses on the bridge of his nose.

Because of excessive eye use, his astigmatism and myopia have deepened. He did not wear glasses in his previous life, but he wears glasses in this life.

In his previous life, my younger brother was a member of the country.

In this life, why change?
The younger brother is honored by it, proud and happy because of it, why kill his will, why not make him happy?
What's the point of living a long life if a person lives a life of wimp and suffocation?
It's better to live vigorously and wonderfully, then look back, close your eyes with a smile, and never regret it.

"No matter what my brother chooses, I will respect him and support him."

Tao Bin was so moved that he almost cried, and looked at his brother with tears in his eyes, "Brother!"

Tao Shen curled his lips: "Those who want to be soldiers are actually whimpering, disgusting!"

Tao Bin: "..."

Tears are so embarrassing in my eyes!
I shouldn't be moved!
Tao Bin rubbed his eyes vigorously, and waited angrily for Tao Shen with red eyes: "I didn't cry!"

"Oh." Tao Shen's attitude was extremely perfunctory.

Tao Bin: "..." Even more angry!

Tao Mo looked at Tao Tiancheng with a serious face: "Why can't you understand things that even a gentleman can understand? Although Xiaobin is your son, he is first and foremost a free man. He has his own. His own consciousness, his own choice, has his own life! Can you help him complete his life? To put it bluntly, you can’t open your eyes to see your son’s life! Can you live longer than your son? Tsk, if that's the case, won't you feel bad if you send a white-haired person to a black-haired person?"

"Dad, I know you agree, but I can't agree. As you said, it would be uncomfortable for a white-haired person to send a black-haired person. I don't want to feel it. If he goes..."

"Shut up!" Tao Mo thumped the ground with his cane, "I'm telling you, my little grandson is blessed by God! He's just going to be a soldier, not to go to the battlefield, talking about white-haired people giving black-haired people! I think your thinking needs to be refined! Tomorrow I will invite a teacher to give you an ideological education class!"


"I am the master of this family. If I agree with him to go, he can go! When the old man dies, it will be your turn to be the master of this family!"

"Dad, you are too arbitrary!"

"Hehe, in front of you, it is arbitrary for me to do so? Isn't it arbitrariness for you to stop him in front of your own son? You are quite good at accusing Lao Tzu, why don't you look in the mirror and accuse yourself! "

(End of this chapter)

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