Chapter 1544
Tao Tiancheng opened his mouth to refute something, but Tao Mo sneered: "Before speaking, think through your head first."

Before Tao Tiancheng could react, he waved to his little grandson.

Tao Bin came to grandpa obediently.

Tao Mo patted his little grandson's head, and said with a loving smile, "Listen carefully, if your father dares to disobey me now, or refute me anything, you will remember everything, and then return it to him."

Tao Bin nodded vigorously, showing his big white teeth to his old father.

Tao Tiancheng: "..."

I can't wait to slap my unfilial son's smile away!
In the end, Tao Tiancheng was defeated, and both grandpa and grandson joined the battle, how could he be the opponent?
"Before you go to the army, you take it with you at home."

Tao Tiancheng's tone was rather helpless, it was his last stubbornness.

Tao Bin shook his head and immediately refused: "There is too little time. I want to move to my sister's place to be close to her. Otherwise, after a few years, when I come back, my sister may not even recognize me."

This reason... Tao Tiancheng couldn't refute it.

Tao Tiancheng was reluctant to part with his son, but finally nodded in agreement.

Tao Bin seemed very unfilial, he couldn't wait to pack up his things, and waved his hands: "Grandpa, grandma, dad, mom, brother, I'm going to find my sister, I miss me and my sister, come and find us! Goodbye~"

Tao Tiancheng picked up the slippers and threw them over. Fortunately, Tao Bin was quick and the door was closed after Tao Bin escaped.

Liu Mingzhu beat her husband vigorously: "Why did you beat him away, I didn't even have time to ask if there was anything I forgot to bring!"

"What does the Cheng family have? If he didn't bring it, he has hands, feet and money. His wings are very stiff, so he will buy them himself!"

Hearing her husband's words, Liu Mingzhu's heart became even more angry, and her subordinates increased their strength.

Seeing that she had slapped her three times, Tian Leran had vented her anger, so she gave a dry cough as a reminder.

After all, this ugly uncle who grows uglier is her own son, and as an old mother, she still has to protect him.

When Liu Mingzhu heard her mother-in-law coughing, she subconsciously put down her hands.

Seeing that everyone was not in a good mood, Tao Shen didn't want to stay any longer, "The research institute still has unfinished projects, so I'm leaving first."

Liu Mingzhu grabbed the eldest son, her eyes were full of reluctance: "Shouldn't you stay a few more days? You have dark circles under your eyes, don't work so hard, pay attention to rest!"

"Mom, I see."

Liu Mingzhu still wanted to ask to keep people, so Tao Shen said first: "This research will take a month to complete, and I will come back in a month, and I will be on vacation for half a month."

When she heard that her son could come back for half a month after completing the project, Liu Mingzhu smiled brightly: "What do you want to eat, mom will cook for you."

"Okay, then I'll go first."

Liu Mingzhu didn't delay her son's time any longer, and reluctantly sent her son out.

The youngest daughter has become someone else's child, and she can only visit her at ordinary times, but cannot stay with her. Now her two sons can't stay with her either. Liu Mingzhu is concerned and not in the mood, so she goes back upstairs to rest early.

Tao Tiancheng wanted to go back to the house, but found that the door was locked from the inside.

Obviously he can only sleep in the study tonight.

Hey, can you blame yourself for not stopping your younger son's determination to become a soldier?

Why is he the one who suffers?

This is venting anger!Properly vent your anger!
Tao Tiancheng went downstairs to have a glass of wine to soothe his worries, but he saw his old mother sitting on the sofa, watching him through her presbyopic eyes, closely watching his every move.

What was supposed to be a drink was silently replaced by pouring a glass of milk.

Tian leran then took his eyes away from his son.

(End of this chapter)

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