Chapter 1547 Cute is another matter

Cheng Guodong put his sister down, and silently said to her soft and furry head, "Sleep well, we won't bother you anymore."

After speaking, he grabbed Tao Bin by the back collar and left.

The kitten scratching on Tao Bin's shoes seemed to be stubborn, and ran after Tao Bin.

Gu Yixing wanted to say good night to his sister, but was dragged away by Qin Xin.

Little Taotie saw that they had all left, so instead of going to sleep, he ran to the bathroom again.

Little Taotie took off his mask, looked at himself in the mirror, and frowned tightly.

She grinned for a while, but quickly covered her mouth, drooping her head depressedly, and suddenly she raised her head, her big eyes were bright, and a sly light flickered in them.

Little Taotie ran to the sleeping table, took out a piece of white paper, a roll of double-sided tape, and scissors from the drawer...

The lamp on the desk was on, and after a long time, Little Taotie ran to the bathroom excitedly, and smirked at the mirror, and at this moment the little girl in front of the mirror had no missing front teeth.

It's just that when she closed her mouth and opened it again, the paper was wet with saliva.

Little Taotie: "..."

After spitting out the little piece of paper in his mouth, the little Taotie drooped his head, like a defeated chicken.

"If only there were white paper that wouldn't get wet..."

"Would you like wet white paper?" Feng Qi floated over with her big tail flicked, her fox eyes narrowed.

"Is there?" Little Taotie looked expectantly at the little fiery red fox.

Feng Qi nodded: "It's too much, the white area on the yogurt cover, the white sugar wrapper..."

Little Taotie clapped his hands and applauded: "Feng Qi, you are so smart!"

Little Taotie went downstairs and saw his brothers sitting on the sofa, so he tiptoed and sneaked close to the refrigerator.

In fact, Cheng Guodong, Qin Xin, and Gu Yixing are teaming up to "bully" the little brother Tao Bin. Tao Bin is punished with a wronged face, saying that he will never do lies that break his promise again.

Cheng Guodong patted him on the shoulder: "You will be a soldier in the future. How can a soldier not keep his promise? Let's forget it this time. You must correct yourself in the future and be an honest and honest soldier!"

Tao Bin nodded honestly.

In fact, the four elder brothers all noticed the little Taotie, but when they saw the little Taotie sneaking around, they tacitly pretended not to see it.

Little Taotie managed to find a bottle of yogurt with white plastic wrap in the refrigerator, stuffed it into the pocket of his pajamas, and sneaked upstairs again.

She thought she was well concealed, and her footsteps were very quiet. Her brothers were talking and didn't notice her.

When she went upstairs, the topic of the brothers changed, from educating the little brother Tao Bin to discussing the little glutton's sneaky behavior of taking yogurt.

"It's just a can of yogurt. Why is my sister sneaking around and being careful?" Tao Bin looked suspiciously at the three elder brothers. "You treat my sister harshly? She is not allowed to drink yogurt?"

Cheng Guodong rolled his eyes at him: "Are we this kind of people?"

Tao Bin nodded: "It's very strict, fierce, and good at educating people. You see, the first day I came to your house, you scolded me so much that I couldn't hold my head up! My sister lives with you." After so long, I must be trained by you every day!"

Qin Xin smiled: "Are you cute?"

Tao Bin was puzzled, and immediately shook his head: "I'm a man, how can I be cute!"

Qin Xin smiled: "In this family, unlovable people are treated strictly. Lovely people are another matter."

Tao Bin: "..." Is it too late to say that I am a cute boy?

(End of this chapter)

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