Chapter 1548

The elder brothers imitated Xiao Taotie's way of tiptoeing up the stairs, halfway there, they saw Hua Jinyan who was going to find Xiao Taotie.

Hua Jinyan stood in front of Xiao Taotie's door, looking at them suspiciously.

At this moment, his back was arched, and the sneaky Cheng Guodong immediately stood up straight and coughed dryly, as if the suspicious person just now was not him.

Qin Xin also subconsciously stood up straight, looked at Hua Jinyan indifferently, with a very calm and calm look on his face.

Gu Yixing and Tao Bin didn't care so much about their image, they still maintained a tiptoe posture.

Hua Jinyan wanted to ask, but Tao Bin covered his mouth: "Hush, don't make any noise."

My sister has good hearing!
Gu Yixing: "..."

Qin Xin: "..."

Cheng Guodong: "..."

The three looked depressed.

Although Tao Bin covered Hua Jinyan's mouth, he didn't cover his own. God knows how loud the "hush" was!
Tao Bin also realized this, and wanted to apologize and explain something, but Qin Xin made a silent gesture, and immediately fell silent.

Hua Jinyan patted the back of Tao Bin's hand, indicating that he can let go, and he will not make a sound.

Tao Bin let go of his hand, showing his big white teeth, and smiled innocently.

Everyone in the room gave him good looks, but Gu Yixing just gave him a big roll of the eyes.

Tao Bin smiled mischievously, scratched his head, and knew he was wrong.

But at this moment, the little Taotie who was "cutting paper" in the room stopped what he was doing and approached the door with his little ears pricked up and his big eyes blinking.

She clearly heard her little brother's voice just now!
That "hush" sound was very loud!
After laying down for a while, there was no movement outside the door, Little Taotie blinked, and went back to continue "paper-cutting".

Gu Yixing was also lying on the door to listen to the movement inside, but the sound was very soft, and nothing could be heard.

Cheng Guodong stuck to the cat's eye and looked in, but unfortunately he couldn't see anything.

Qin Xin took out a key from his pocket.

Everyone looked at him in surprise, and asked with their eyes: Where did you get the key.

Qin Xin made a fluffy hair gesture. This is the nanny aunt's new hairstyle recently, a fluffy black afro.

Qin Xin, who doesn't understand fashion, said it was difficult to accept.

When everyone saw this gesture, they basically understood it in seconds.

I understand that the key was taken from the nanny aunt.

Cheng Guodong gave him a thumbs up, his eyes filled with praiseful smiles.

Qin Xin raised his eyebrows with a smile on his face.

The key is gently inserted into the keyhole.

The voice was very small, but the soft ears of the little Taotie moved. This ability to move the ear bones was the specialty of the little Taotie. She used to think that everyone could do it, but after going to school, she found out that only a few children could do it. Most people will not.

Xiao Taotie felt that this was probably related to her special hearing, and only a few people had it, and those who couldn't move their ears must have worse hearing than hers.

Little Taotie leaned on the door and listened, and heard the sound of breathing.

Close breathing.

Somewhat familiar.

Like brothers who get along day and night!

Why did the brothers open her door?

Little Taotie blinked and blinked his big eyes, as if Xiaopang said that he likes to read manga, but his mother doesn’t allow him to read it very late, sometimes the plot is so good that he doesn’t want to sleep at all, so he will hide the manga under the quilt Here, his mother will make a surprise inspection, sneak into the room at night, catch him off guard, and then catch the stolen goods, and punish him to write big characters behind closed doors the next day!

Are the brothers going to make a surprise inspection?
Little Taotie looked at the time on the watch, and saw that it was already 11:[-]!
She hurriedly swept the things into the drawer, ran to the bed quickly, got into the quilt all at once, closed her eyes, and looked "very peaceful".

(End of this chapter)

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