Chapter 1549 Someone is Opening a Drawer
The door opened, and Little Taotie had closed his eyes, breathing slowly, but subconsciously moved his ears a little.

She heard the sound of breathing getting closer, and the sound of very light footsteps.

Count silently in my heart: one, two, three, four, five!

It's five people!

All come?
The sound of the last footsteps was very light, it should be due to the relatively light weight, it seems to be Hua Jinyan!

Even Hua Jinyan is here!
She didn't know what her brothers were going to raid, and she thought she had done nothing wrong. She didn't read comics, fairy tales, or play small game consoles.

Cheng Guodong looked at his sister who was sleeping peacefully, and couldn't help but raise the corners of his mouth, really wanting to touch her little face.

so cute!

Qin Xin also thinks that her younger sister is the cutest. There is no cuter little girl in the world. Look, she looks like a little angel when she is asleep.

Gu Yixing's hands were a little itchy, he rubbed his thumb and index finger, and then he didn't reach out to pinch this soft, white and fleshy little face.

My sister's face is so round, is she fat?

If Little Taotie knew what Third Brother was thinking, he would definitely jump up and stare at him angrily.

It was the first time for Tao Bin to see Xiao Taotie's sleeping face, and he was very happy. He felt that he was the luckiest person to be able to see the sleeping face of Little Fairy. Whose sister is as cute as his sister Bai, and as cute as her sister, Has her sister been sweet?

He considers himself the luckiest member of the Tao family, and must share such a glorious moment with his family. He took out his mobile phone, and just as he was about to take a picture, Qin Xin snatched the mobile phone away.

Qin Xin looked at the settings, and the corner of his mouth twitched.

I just thought this guy had no brains, so I checked it with a worried attitude, but it turned out that this guy really didn't have a brain, and he didn't turn off the flash! ! !

If he was negligent just now and didn't take it over for inspection, if he pressed it like this, the whole room would flash, and my sister would definitely be woken up!

This kid is too unreliable!
Are you sure that such a person can become a pillar of the country?Not a national disaster?

Seeing his operation, Tao Bin also realized that he had made a mistake, drooped his head, and became a little autistic.

He didn't know that in the next two years, he would pay a heavy price because of his carelessness at his young age. It was not until the third year that he got rid of these bad habits and became a qualified soldier.

Qin Xin returned the phone to him, indicating that he could take pictures.

Tao Bin showed an embarrassed smile, took pictures of his sister for a while, and then sent the photos to grandpa, grandma, mother, and elder brother!
As for his father, he is still a little angry. After all, it is a man's dream to be a soldier. He is greedy for life and is afraid of death. My sister sent him a photo.

He also knew that his mother would show his father the second-hand ones, and he could only look at the second-hand ones!

Little Taotie pricked up his ears to guess what they were doing, vaguely feeling that someone was taking pictures.

In fact, it is very strange to say that sight is obviously an invisible thing, but many times, you will feel that someone is looking at you, just like at this moment, taking pictures is also invisible. She obviously closed her eyes, but she felt that someone was taking pictures.

Cheng Guodong looked around the table and smelled a yogurt smell from the table.

The smell is too strong to be ignored.

He reached out to open the drawer, and was almost sure that the yogurt was in the drawer.

Slowly open the drawer...

Little Taotie's ears moved, feeling anxious.

She heard it, someone was opening the drawer!

(End of this chapter)

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