Chapter 1574

Amidst the laughter of Xiao Taotie and Tao Bin, the family returned to the villa.

The auntie nanny had already cooked a sumptuous dinner, but she was dressed up very beautifully, as if she was waiting for them at the door, and she was ready to go out when they got back.

Little Taotie raised his head to look at Ah Piao who was much younger and prettier, and asked doubtfully, "Auntie, are you going out, won't you have dinner with us?"

The nanny aunt squatted down, a scent of fragrance came, and the little Taotie sniffed, and the little milk voice was soft: "Auntie is fragrant!"

The auntie nanny blushed and coughed dryly: "I... I have an appointment."

Cheng Guodong and Qin Xin looked at each other and raised their eyebrows.

Gu Yixing: "I smell the sour smell of love."

Tao Bin was surprised: "Auntie isn't married yet?"

Gu Yixing lowered his voice: "Now I'm single."

Maybe it's a widow, maybe it's a divorce, it won't be a happy thing anyway.Tao Bin didn't ask any more questions, but looked at the nanny who was dressed a little too young at the moment. Although she could support this pink dress, she always felt that her age didn't match her.

"Is there anything delicious for a date?" Xiao Taotie asked.

The auntie nanny nodded: "Yes, we meet in a great restaurant. I'll go and taste it first. If it's delicious, I'll take you to try it next time."

Little Taotie nodded obediently: "Then you have to eat well, you have to eat."

A few days ago, in order to lose weight, the nanny aunt skipped a meal from time to time, and Xiao Taotie expressed that she was very worried about her.

The auntie nanny looked at the little girl's little adult expression, couldn't help laughing, and nodded with warmth in her heart: "I will eat well, then I will go first."

Little Taotie waved to the nanny, "Goodbye, Auntie."

"Okay, goodbye, little glutton."

After watching the nanny leave, Xiao Taotie went upstairs to wash his hands and change his clothes.

Gu Yixing: "Is she in a relationship?"

Qin Xin: "I didn't notice it."

Cheng Guodong: "Maybe this will make her happier and open up."

Qin Xin: "When a person is rich, there is a lot of right and wrong. Those difficult relatives finally let her go. It is time for her to live for herself and find someone who cherishes her."

Cheng Guodong: "She is not young, I am a little worried that she will be cheated."

It's time for Tao Bin to interject: "She's wearing too much pink, I think it's weird, is it because the person she's going to date is younger than her?"

Hearing this, Cheng Guodong and Qin Xin frowned at the same time. Cheng Guodong was a little worried, because he was worried about the nanny aunt. After getting along for a long time, it is inevitable that they have feelings, and they have long been regarded as family members.

Qin Xin was more worried that the person who approached the auntie nanny was a conspiracy. If the target was the elder brother or him, or Gu Yixing, that would be fine. If it was the younger sister, it would be bad.

Gu Yixing: "I have a lot of friends who are journalists, and they investigate things faster. I ask people to help me investigate."

Tao Bin was surprised: "Isn't investigating things what detectives do?"

Gu Yixing: "I forgot to tell you that reporters earn little money, so they occasionally act as detectives to help those noble ladies catch their husbands cheating."

"Excellent, you still know this kind of person."

"In this circle, no matter what is good or bad, we must always treat it kindly, especially reporters. If I offend them, I will be the unlucky one. Maybe I will get involved in some inexplicable scandal."

(End of this chapter)

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