Chapter 1575 The eyes of passers-by

In a restaurant with dim lights and violin music, it seems that the atmosphere has been integrated into the restaurant layout and dishes, and even the names of the dishes reveal various meanings of blessing the couple's love.

Before coming here, the auntie nanny never imagined that there is such a place in this world.

They sat side by side on the sofa, and when the man's hand held hers, she shivered instinctively.

In the ear, the voice of the man's subwoofer is very soft: "Don't be afraid."

The auntie nanny calmed down just because of this sentence.

Through the dim light, she saw the man's side face, a face with a very contoured face. This is a mixed-race man with Western and Chinese blood. It seems to combine the advantages of both sides. He has a deep western outline and a The bridal chamber is full of apple flesh.

After she became a real designer, her aesthetics became higher, but no matter how high her aesthetics were, she couldn't help but marvel at the handsomeness of this man.

The two met during an interview, and this handsome man was her cameraman.

At the end of the interview, I asked for her mobile phone number, and then we got to know each other frequently through frequent contact, until we had good morning and good night to each other. When she was a nympho and passionate, the man confessed, making her feel that all this was like a happy dream, a little unreal, but very yearning.

"You really... like me?" Instead of my fame?

At this age, she will also yearn for love, but compared to young people, she is a little more rational, and she also knows that she is old, and is no longer the No. 1 choice for men to choose a spouse, but the other is tall and handsome. You can't find young and beautiful ones anywhere.

She will also be worried, because now that she is famous and rich, the purpose of the other party coming to her is not pure love, but something more material and complicated.

The man has a high nose and deep eyes, and everyone has an affectionate feeling, "I don't like you, why should I confess, and why should I ask you out? Baby, what are you thinking?"

Facing the man's affectionate eyes, seeing the clear and clean eyes in the man's eyes, she smiled slightly: "I was thinking too much."

For money and fame, who is it not good to turn to?
Just based on his looks, he can be listed as a better rich woman.

After dinner, the two walked down the street hand in hand. From time to time, they looked at them with strange eyes, most of them were young and beautiful girls, who always looked at her with unfriendly and suspicious eyes.

The nanny always avoids those eyes with a guilty conscience.

She could roughly guess what those young girls were thinking, she must be thinking about how such a handsome man would walk on the road hand in hand with an old woman, he didn't look like a mother and child.

When the two walked to the crowded pedestrian street, those gazes became more and more, and some men's gazes even carried ridicule and contempt.

She was getting more and more uncomfortable, and subconsciously withdrew her hand.

The man finally realized her uneasiness, stared at those unkind eyes, and then put his arms around her shoulders, "Let's go to a place with few people, it's a secret date place!"

She was a little curious and nodded subconsciously.

She was taken to a clock tower.

The bell tower has a total of 24 floors, and there is a big clock on the highest floor.

Maybe it has not been repaired for a long time, and the pointer has stopped moving.

"When I was studying, I could see this clock from the classroom window. At that time, it was still good."

(End of this chapter)

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