The real daughter, Xiaotaotie, became popular in the entertainment industry

Chapter 1576 Photos before and after plastic surgery

Chapter 1576 Photos before and after plastic surgery
The man took her by the hand and entered the building. The elevator was running normally, and they went straight to the 24th floor.

"I'm a little scared." She hid in the man's arms, because the lights in the corridor were broken, and the whole floor was pitch black.

"Don't be afraid, people have been working here all the time. It's already an office building, but now everyone is off work and the main power has been unplugged."

He seems to be very familiar with this place, fumbling to the main switch.

The lights in the corridor were all turned on, and the nanny let out a breath and calmed down.

"Want to go up and have a look?"

"Can it go up?" The nanny frowned slightly.

"The elevator can only go here. If you want to see the structure inside the big clock, you have to go up the stairs here and follow me."

The man took her hand and walked up the stairs.

The auntie nanny panicked and wanted to refuse. She didn't want to look at the structure inside the big clock, but seeing the man's enthusiasm, the rejection on her lips turned into a cry: "Yes."

She is older than the other party, so she always wants to spoil him a little.

If he wants to see it, then accompany him to see it.

Going up the stairs to the top floor, I wanted to enter the inside of the big clock, but was stopped by the iron gate, so I could only look inside through the iron bars and take a cursory look.

The man said as if talking to himself: "Have you heard the story of The Hunchback of Notre Dame?"

This story is very old and classic, and the nanny also read it when she was young.

She nodded: "I have seen it."

The man said softly, "It would be fine if he lived in this era."


"In this era, there are plastic surgery technologies, and even ugly people can become beautiful."

The auntie nanny lowered her eyes: "That's true. Nowadays, many girls are chasing stars. Even though they know that country H has plastic surgery, they still like it very much."

"how about you?"

"Me? What?"

"Do you care about plastic surgery?"

The nanny was taken aback, and looked at the man's face carefully. Such a handsome face is not at all unnatural, it doesn't look like plastic surgery.

"I... don't care."

"Haha, the answer was very slow and hesitant. It seems that I don't care as much as I said."

"No... not really."

"What are you worried about? You thought I had plastic surgery, and you were afraid that saying you cared would hurt me?"


"Let's be honest, I like to hear the truth."

"It's a little bit, but it doesn't hinder anything. I care more about the inside. I worry that the other party will not sleep better than the eyes at night. Maybe I don't know much about plastic surgery, it's just hearsay."

"That is to say, if you can close your eyes and sleep at night, there is nothing strange, you don't care."

The auntie nanny nodded with sincere eyes: "Actually... I also practice aesthetic medicine. Everyone has a love for beauty."

"Then can you close your eyes at night?"

The nanny's smile froze: "I couldn't at first, but it will be fine when I recover later."

"I'll show you a photo." He found a photo from his bag, not the one saved in his phone, but an old photo.

The man in the photo is wearing a firefighter's costume, smiling brightly, a little fat, but his brows are full of righteousness, and there is a vague sense of familiarity.

She looked up in surprise, and when she met the man's face in front of her, the sense of familiarity became stronger.

It's him!

"This is you? But why..." Although the person in the photo can't be said to be very handsome, he is still very handsome, and he doesn't need plastic surgery at all.

"Do you want to ask me why I have plastic surgery?"

The man took out another photo from his bag. The person in the photo was lying on a hospital bed with burns all over his face.

(End of this chapter)

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