Chapter 1588 Sugar Cane Sugar Cane Juice Sucrose

Transparent double-sided glass, everything in the interrogation room can be seen from one side, but everything in the next room cannot be seen in the interrogation room.

Xiao Taotie was sitting in front of the glass wall in the room next to the interrogation room. Through the glass, she could see the nanny who was a bit haggard but had no fear or regret in her eyes.

Little Taotie pursed his lips: "I want to eat sugar cane."

Shen Cang glanced at her, "There are so many things."

As soon as the voice fell, the text message on the mobile phone had already been sent.

Not long after, Xiangxiang arrived with a pot of sugarcane.

The sugarcane is chopped into small pieces and brought in on a delicate white tray, the size of a thumb, exactly one bite at a time.

"Put down your things, you can go out."

Xiangxiang still wanted to have a word with Little Taotie, but she didn't dare to stay any longer because her face was not good.

Little Taotie took a piece of iron fork and put it into his mouth, revealing the "secret" of missing a front tooth.

Shen Cang took a few more glances, and pressed the corner of his upturned mouth.

Little Taotie tasted the sweetness of sugarcane, but frowned when he spat out the bagasse: "Eating is delicious, but spitting out bagasse is annoying."

Shen Cang's text message was sent out again.

Xiangxiang entered the door again. This time she learned to be smart, put down her things, turned around and left.

Little Taotie looked at the light yellow drink with a little bit of green in the transparent glass, and sniffed it with her little nose. The scent was sweet, and she narrowed her eyes: "Is it sugarcane juice?"

Shen Cang: "Drink it, this way you don't have to spit out dregs."

Little Taotie took a sip, and was so sweet that he laughed out loud. It was refreshingly sweet, not greasy, and would make people feel very happy.

Little Taotie held the glass and tilted his head to look at Shen Cang, "Grandpa, so if the sugarcane man squeezed himself into juice, there would be no slag?"

Shen Cang: "...the sugarcane man?"

Forgive grandpa for being too old to understand.

Little Taotie murmured: "Why, like Hua Jinyan, you don't know what the sugarcane man means!"

Little Taotie explained it patiently, then tilted his head and asked, "Do you understand now?"

Shen Cang: "..." The young man's words are really complicated.

Shen Cang was silent for a moment, and replied with the logic of a young man: "Sugar cane juice is still a little watery, it's better for those who turn themselves into brown sugar sucrose, they can change their names to sugar cane man or brown sugar man."

Little Taotie's eyes widened, with a look of admiration on his face, he raised his thumb up: "Grandpa, you are so smart!"

Uh!This kind of praise is actually unnecessary.

Shen Cang pointed to the glass wall, "It's started."

Little Taotie put down the glass in his hand, and looked at the nanny with big eyes in concern.

Because this matter may involve children from the special department, Shen Cang applied to transfer the matter to handle it, which was also approved by his superiors, so the two were taken to the special department.

The interrogator was Mo Haihao, and he only asked a few innocuous questions initially, which made the interrogated gradually relax his vigilance.

"Why do you believe that what he said is true? In anyone's eyes, it is incredible for a firefighter to become a handsome guy after plastic surgery."

"Why can't you believe it?"

"I am asking you a question, please answer it directly."

"His eyes are very sincere. When he said that his companion was buried in the sea of ​​fire, that moment cannot be acted out. The sadness and pain are so real. You should also know that I am Xiao Taotie's nanny, and she takes acting lessons When a teacher came to teach, I belonged to the auditorium, and occasionally I could hear some of it, so I could tell whether it was a performance or not."

"It sounds like you're very confident, so how do you tell the difference? Those with good acting skills seem to be real, without any sense of acting."

"The eyes, the eyes can tell everything. No matter how good the acting skills are, the eyes will not be just right. Maybe they will be too hard, maybe they will be a little bit sincere. If he really has such good acting skills, don't lie to me, just lie to Cheng Dong , I think he should be able to have such confidence."

"You are overconfident, aren't you afraid of being cheated?"

"What did you lie to me? I'm getting old, the most I can do is a little fame and money."

"He approached you to inquire about the Cheng family."

"Yes, he confessed to me, that's why I proposed to leave here. I don't want to betray Cheng's family, and he doesn't want to make more mistakes. Leaving is good for everyone. But I didn't expect that even the chance to leave would not come. Not to us."

(End of this chapter)

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