Chapter 1589 Phoenix Man's Repeat Offender

"Why do you only want to leave?"

"Don't leave? Then how should I choose?" The auntie nanny laughed: "I think leaving is the most appropriate way."

"For example, tell Cheng Guodong everything that happened."

"I don't want to involve them."

"You can report the case."

"He did something wrong. After reporting the crime, can we still leave smoothly?" The nanny looked up and looked around. "Is there any difference from now?"

Mo Haihao was silent.

"Do you know what nationality he changed?"

"I know, country H, but this is only on the surface. He said that those people can't really reveal their true identities behind them."

"In other words, it wasn't Country H who paid for his plastic surgery."

"I do not know."

"You don't know many things, why do you have the courage to follow him?"

"Maybe you think I'm in love, but I think life has to be crazy. I follow the rules all my life. When I get old, I want to be different, different from others."


Shen Cang turned off the button on the glass wall, and the whole wall turned back to an ordinary wall, and the picture in the interrogation room next door was no longer visible.

Little Taotie was watching seriously, but suddenly his eyes blurred, nothing was there, he raised his head to look at Shen Cang suspiciously: "Why did you turn it off? The interrogation is not finished yet!"

"There's no need to read it, it's just a love brain, and I can't ask anything practical."

"Love brain?" Little Taotie tilted his head and thought for a while, then asked in a childish voice, "Does it mean digging wild vegetables?"

"Digging wild vegetables won't be..."

Shen Cang had some guesses, but he felt that it was impossible. You must know that the drama about digging wild vegetables was decades ago, and young people would never watch it.

Little Taotie took out his mobile phone, clicked on the video and showed it to Shen Cang, "This is it, Wang Baochuan is digging wild vegetables."

The music sounded: "Ah~~~My wife, Wang Shi Baochuan~~~"

The corner of Shen Cang's mouth twitched again and again: "You young people are watching this now?"

Little Taotie nodded vigorously: "Everyone watch!"

Shen Cang couldn't believe it: "This is already very old."

Little Taotie nodded: "But it is worth learning, everyone is working hard to learn the lesson."


Little Taotie's milky voice: "Wang Baochuan, Chuan is an iron-like lesson, a precious lesson worth remembering! Every queen should avoid the tragedy of digging wild vegetables!"

Shen Cang's heart is full of vicissitudes: people are old and can't keep up, isn't this spreading virtue?

Little Taotie saw the persistence in the grandfather's eyes, and quickly explained: "Look at Wang Baochuan who has been guarding the cold kiln for 18 years, and finally became a queen for [-] days!"

Shen Cang: "...Xue Pinggui made her a queen, he valued friendship."

"Bah!" Xiao Taotie imitated the tone of the narrators in the short video, and said angrily: "Wang Baochuan ate wild vegetables every day in the cold kiln, and he could live for 18 years under cold and starvation. How can you leave the cold kiln with him and become a queen? Can you live for 18 days? And don’t you think it’s ironic? Staying in the cold kiln for 18 years, and finally became a queen for [-] days, [-] years corresponds to [-] days, this is the mocking mode developed by the author!”

Shen Cang froze for a moment.

The little Taotie snorted and said, "It's just because in order to adapt to the situation, the opera authors had no choice but to praise Wang Baochuan and Xue Pinggui, but in fact the author was mocking in his heart, afraid of being seen by others, so he could only quietly mock at the end .We modern people have clear eyes and a clear heart, and we can see it at a glance. We just express what the author really wants to express!"

"What do you really want to express?" Shen Cang felt that there might be something wrong with his comprehension ability.

Little Taotie put his hands on his hips, looking like a savage little princess, his little eyes slanted, revealing a sense of playfulness and slyness, and said in a childlike voice, "Xue Pinggui is a Phoenix man, a sugarcane man, who uses the skills of a sugarcane man to coax Wang Baochuan, Wang Baochuan fell in love with him. As a result, the Wang family was sober in the world and looked down on him. They saw that he was the essence of a phoenix man, and did not give him a profitable opportunity. Convenience, on the contrary, makes things difficult for him everywhere, to let him show his true nature!"

Shen Cang: "..." Is that so?

Little Taotie snorted heavily: "Sure enough, Xue Pinggui showed his true colors and left Wang Baochuan not long after. Seeing that the Wang family had nothing to gain, he climbed up to other high branches and became Xiliang's phoenix man and his son-in-law! He is very resourceful. If he didn't have the means, there are so many relatives of the king in Xiliang, who doesn't have a son to inherit the throne, so why would he sit on the throne of Xiliang king! He must have planned this from the beginning! This is the standard configuration of a phoenix man, always looking at the woman's background! There is Wang Baochuan in the front, and Princess Daizhan in the back!"

Shen Cang: "..." It seems reasonable, Phoenix Man is a repeat offender.

In fact, Shen Cang felt that becoming the king of Xiliang was tantamount to treason.

Shen Cang doesn't think much of Xue Pinggui.

It's shameless to rely on a woman to get the upper hand!
Any man with backbone would refuse to become the king of Xiliang, or directly give the throne to his son, and he would just serve as an assistant.

Obviously this Xue Pinggui is not so grand, greedy for power, and brazenly accepted the throne.

Little Taotie saw his grandfather nodding his head again and again, the corners of his little mouth curled up, Xiaoli's dimples sunken, his eyes were crooked, and he felt triumphant: Brainwashed successfully!Hey hey hey!
Little Taotie put his hands on his hips: "Grandpa, take me to see the sugarcane man!"

(End of this chapter)

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