Chapter 1591
"I admit that I was angry because of the death of my teammates. At that time, the death of my teammates and my own disfigurement, under the double blow, I didn't have the ideological consciousness I should have. I speculated about everything with a narrow mind. In the end, the lying businessman After escaping from abroad, my faith collapsed, and it was the time when my willpower was weakest, and anyone who came here could break me."

"To put it bluntly, it was your malicious speculation about everything that caused you to betray the country."

The man lowered his head and remained silent for a long time.

The captain of the first team said coldly: "Are you worthy of your dead teammates?"


Thinking of the teammates he got along day and night in the past, the man burst into tears.

He is an orphan, and he has been raised by the country and well-meaning people since he was a child.

Later, there was an accident in the orphanage, and a mistake in alcohol disinfection caused a fire.

It was the firefighters who saved him. At that time, he felt that the most handsome heroes in the world were firefighters, and when he grew up, he wanted to be a heroic firefighter.

Later, he took this dream as his goal and finally became a firefighter. He got along with his comrades day and night and made up for the lack of family members. They were like his brothers and his family.

If it was just an accident, and his comrades died in the flames in order to save others, he would not complain. This is their duty, and this is what they have already prepared for as firefighters.

Sacrifice, for them, is glorious, heroic, and something to be proud of.

He is an orphan. If he dies of old age, no one may collect his body. If he dies, he will become a martyr. It is a good thing that a martyr can be buried in the martyr's cemetery, so he is not afraid of death at all, and even faintly The idea that being a martyr is a very good thing.

But God always joked with him, all the "family members" died because of a lie!

Lying businessmen are murderers!
It was he who murdered his "family"!
But in the end the businessman escaped and escaped all punishment.

The biggest reason for agreeing to those people, besides the fact that they promised to give him plastic surgery so that he couldn't see it at all, was...they caught the businessman.

When the captain of the first team thought that he was speechless and would not speak again, he suddenly laughed, cried with a smile, and his expression became a little crazy.

"I... avenged them."

The captain of the first team froze for a moment, thought of something, and looked at him in astonishment.

The man stretched out his hands: "It's these hands. As many brothers as I have died, I have stabbed them as many times. One knife after another, I avenged them."

"You're crazy!" The captain of the first team said in a deep voice, "You killed someone."

"Yes, I killed someone, but what I killed was not Chinese." The man laughed, his eyes were dazed, "I am no longer Chinese."

"I had blood on my hands, but I avenged them. I killed people and violated the laws of China. I am not qualified to be called a Chinese anymore. I changed my nationality because I thought I was not worthy of this status. , and I don’t want to mention that I used to be a firefighter, because I don’t have the face to say so.”

"I'm tired, really tired."

"I changed into an unfamiliar appearance, obeying their instructions, like a puppet, in order to slay the dragon with my own hands. But I, who slayed the dragon, turned into a dragon after all. They wanted me to approach her, she So kind, I don’t dislike my ugliness, and I am willing to accompany the evil dragon, I just want to leave her and find a small island where no one knows us to live peacefully... But after all, it’s just my extravagant wish.”

"She is innocent, and I beg you to let her go."

The team leader pursed his lips, and finally walked out of the interrogation room without saying anything.

Little Taotie's hands on his knees came to his waist again at some point, with his hands on his hips, his little face was full of anger.

Shen Cang drank tea slowly, glanced at her little hands on her waist, and coughed: "Don't forget to copy the law."

Little Taotie was shocked!
The big eyes are full of innocence and confusion.

She looked down at her little hand, feeling extremely annoyed!
She really didn't know when she akimbo!

"Grandpa's head~~~"

"It's useless to act like a baby, you can't miss a single copy."

(End of this chapter)

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