Chapter 1592

Little Taotie's face was puffed up, like a bulging puffer fish, Shen Cang poked the little girl's little face with his hand, and said mercilessly: "You have gained weight."

Little Taotie: "!!!"

Seeing the little girl's round eyes, the Milky Way in her eyes seemed to turn up a stormy sea, Shen Cang smiled maliciously.

Little Taotie's grandma is fierce and fierce: "Grandpa's head is bad!"

"Bad? I never said that I want to be a good grandpa. It's not bad to be a bad grandpa."

Little Taotie glared at him with his mouth shut, and muttered: "I won't copy..."

"Don't copy?" Shen Cang said with a straight face: "Then lock you in the castle, and when you finish copying, you will be released home."

Little Taotie jumped up in shock: "You are illegally detained!"

"Yo! You know a lot."


"Okay, it's okay if you don't want to copy it. I'll ask you a question, and I'm satisfied with your answer. I can forgive you."

"What's the problem?" Little Taotie was extremely vigilant, for fear that his grandfather would dig a hole for himself.

"If it were you, what would you do?"

"What replaced me?"

Shen Cang pointed to the crying man on the other side of the glass wall, "If it were you, the same thing happened during the mission, leaving you alone in the team, would you do the same thing as him? choose?"

"What are his options?"

"You have been listening for a long time, what are you listening to?" Shen Cang raised his voice.

Little Taotie shrank his neck: "I can tell that he is sucrose."

Shen Cang: "..."

Little Taotie whispered: "He should be sincere to Auntie, so he squeezed himself into juice, boiled it into sugar, evaporated all the water, no water at all, no scum at all, only sweetness left. "

Shen Cang: "My hands are a little itchy, I want to hit the child."

The little Taotie immediately covered his little butt, put some distance away from Shen Cang, pressed his body against the wall, and glared at him angrily: "You will go to jail for beating a child!"

Shen Cang: "You don't need to go to jail."

Little Taotie shrank his neck: "You can't hit a child anyway!"

Shen Cang said with a straight face: "Then you copy the law, copy it now."

Shen Cang turned on the brightest light, and took out a criminal code from the drawer, "There is only criminal law here, so start copying from this book."

Little Taotie's eyes dodged: "There is no pen, and no paper."

Shen Cang took out the paper and pen from the drawer again, "Can I copy now?"

Little Taotie's eyes rolled wildly, and the little milk's voice was soft: "Didn't you say that you can not copy after answering the question? I haven't answered the question yet, so I won't copy now."

"You don't understand my question, and you don't need to answer it. If you can't answer it, you can't satisfy me."

"I can, I can. If you explain to me carefully, I will definitely be able to answer." Little Taotie moved to his side little by little, and grabbed his sleeve with his small hands, "Grandpa, I am still a child, you It's too difficult for me to understand, can you make it simpler?"

Shen Cang lowered his head, and met the little girl's big sparkling eyes with shallow dimples, revealing a small sweet smile.

Shen Cang: "Oh, it's a good way to play tricks and be cute!"

Although he spoke with distaste, Shen Cang was still very late, and coughed dryly: "Okay, let me explain it to you."

"His teammate died, and he went to extremes. When someone came to provoke the relationship between him and the country, he chose to change his nationality, which was tantamount to treason. Maybe he had a deeper purpose and reached an agreement with the other party. Help the other party complete some tasks, and the other party helps him catch the culprit who caused the tragedy at that time, the lying businessman, and let him deal with it."

"Let me ask you, if it were you, would you choose to kill your enemies and change your nationality?"

Little Taotie blinked blankly, and asked without answering, "Do I seem to be such a stupid person?"

Shen Cang: "...Like."

Little Taotie was so angry that his seven orifices were about to smoke, he stamped his little feet on the spot, "Grandpa, today is Lidong."

"What happened to Lidong?" Shen Cang couldn't keep up with the little girl's jumping topic for a moment.

Little Taotie stomped his feet angrily, "I'm going to print a photo of my grandfather's head when I get home, and then step on it!"

Shen Cang's face turned dark.

He finally came to his senses, this little girl actually scolded herself for being a villain!

Lidong stepped on a villain, stepped on his own photo, wouldn't it be the same as calling himself a villain!
(End of this chapter)

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