Chapter 1599

Seeing that he was agitated, Shen Cang was not angry, but remained calm: "They discovered the place. Before that, can you be sure that it is a case?"

Mo Haihao was taken aback.

Shen Cang said indifferently: "Ah Piao, who is a humanoid beast, has been caught now, but it still cannot prove that the same experiment is being done in that place, and further investigation is needed. If the investigation is clear, it will be judged as a case. In the end, this The ownership of the case is not necessarily our family."

"Why, we were the ones who discovered it first!"

"Well, so what?"

"Boss! You can't let the half of our investigation be intercepted by someone. If something is found out by then, who will be credited in the end!"

"Credit?" Shen Cang shook his head: "It's time for you to rest."


Shen Cang looked at him deeply, with scrutiny in his eyes: "Why are you so eager to praise the credit, what are your plans? When you come back from vacation, write a report for me."

Mo Haihao stood in place for a long time.

Little Taotie stretched out his hand and gently tugged him, only then did he regain his senses.

He raised his head, took a deep breath, and said to Shen Cang: "Head, Xiangxiang's appetite has not been very good these two days, I think she may be pregnant."

"Huh?" Shen Cang raised his eyebrows slightly: "Continue talking."

"In the past, I only knew how to complete tasks, and never considered credit. Now I seem a little eager for success, and I only think about credit. It is because I want to be promoted and to be safer. I don't have to always I was apprehensive about going out to take action, and I began to... be afraid of death."

He lowered his head deeply, not daring to raise his head to look at Shen Cang, for fear of seeing contempt in Shen Cang's eyes.

"Looked up."

Hearing this, Mo Haihao slowly raised his head, but what he met was Shen Cang's kind eyes.

This kind of glint rarely appeared in the head's eyes.

Occasionally I saw it, and it was revealed unintentionally when I turned my head to the little Taotie.

But at this moment, this kind of gaze was looking at him.

Mo Haihao was overwhelmed with flattery, he couldn't even put his hands anywhere, and touched the hem of his clothes uneasily.

"Don't be nervous." Shen Cang's voice slowed down: "The person you saw today was my colleague back then, the choice he made may be your future choice, you can learn from it, it's a good way. "

Shen Cang talked about the past.

At that time, the young people in the special department have now become the old guys of the older generation, but there are only a handful of old people that can be seen in the castle, not many.

Part of it was an accident during the execution of the mission, part of it was because he was old and retired, and part of it was just like the old man who chose another path.

After getting married, the elderly man still works in a special department. His wife is a household registration police officer. After she knew her husband’s other status, she was frightened and couldn’t sleep all night. At one point she was as thin as 70 catties, and her height of 168 was only 70 catties. She was quite thin, with thin cheeks, prominent cheekbones, and a sickly face.

However, such a thin person is still pregnant. This child came very suddenly, without any preparation, and almost fell off. The doctor said that she was not in good health, and it was difficult to keep this child.

Knowing that his wife was worried about him, the old man had other plans, and soon he took his wife abroad for training. Later, he went abroad to train talents for the country. He has always been abroad, and he just came back not long ago.

Even if they come back, they are just behind-the-scenes workers who cultivate talents.

(End of this chapter)

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