Chapter 1600

After Mo Haitao knew all this, he also had some longing.

He thinks this is also very good. To cultivate talents, you don't need to go out to take risks, and you won't lose your life and leave Xiangxiang and children behind.

"I'll give you and Xiangxiang a ten-day vacation, go on vacation and relax, sit down and talk about this matter, agree to a detailed report for me, and tell me your future plans, if you want to choose the same path as that person, I will I can also arrange it for you as soon as possible, after all, places for training abroad are always in high demand."

"Thank you head!" Mo Haihao bowed deeply.

Shen Cang waved his hand: "Okay."

Mo Haihao was about to hold the little Taotie's hand and leave, but Shen Cang called out: "Little Taotie stay here."

Mo Haihao nodded, backed out, and closed the door behind him.

Shen Cang opened the drawer and waved to Little Taotie: "Are you tired today?"

Little Taotie walked over obediently, and shook his head: "I'm not tired, the task is actually very simple, and I didn't do anything."

"This is a new style, try it." Shen Cang took out a lollipop and gave it to Xiao Taotie.

Golden candy wrappers, lollipop cubes, somewhat dark.

The little nose sniffed it closely, and it turned out to be a sweet chocolate scent.

"A chocolate-flavored lollipop?" Little Taotie blinked curiously.

"It's not sweet, but it tastes good." Shen Cang said.

Little Taotie was surprised: "Grandpa has already eaten the head? Why didn't you wait for me to eat it together!"

I really want to see how grandpa eats a lollipop with his head. Is it also showing a stick outside?Or put it in your mouth and bite off the sugar directly?

Little Taotie stared at Shen Cang's mouth curiously.

I thought in my little head: Grandpa's teeth don't seem to be very good?
Sensing the little girl's strange gaze, Shen Cang said with a straight face, "What are you thinking?"

Little Taotie hurriedly shook his head, and changed the subject: "Grandpa Lan who met today also knew that there were snacks in Grandpa's head drawer, and said that he would eat when he was hungry and keep his fill, but why wouldn't Grandpa's head let me eat?" I'm full, just give me a little bit every time."

The little girl was talking, and there was a little bit of coquettishness in the little milk's voice: "Keep me fed from now on, okay?"

The corner of Shen Cang's mouth twitched.

The little girl doesn't even look at her own appetite. It's too difficult to keep her full, right?

Not to mention this one drawer, and ten more will not be able to keep it!

"Grandpa, why didn't you answer?" Xiao Taotie huffed angrily.

Shen Cang was silent for a moment: "You are still young, you can't eat too much sugar, it will cause tooth decay."

Little Taotie: "..."

Shen Cang's eyes fell on the place where the little Taotie was missing a front tooth.

Little Taotie immediately covered his mouth with his small hand, his big eyes were full of grievances.

Shen Cang coughed dryly: "When changing teeth, the lost teeth can grow back, but if the teeth are lost due to tooth decay, they will never grow back."

"It won't grow anymore..." Little Taotie widened his eyes in horror.

"From now on, there will always be a tooth missing." Shen Cang added.

Little Taotie trembled, and his hand covering his mouth tightened, "No..."


Stop eating sugar!
Never eat it again!

Little Taotie dropped the lollipop, turned around and ran away.

Shen Cang: "...It seems that I used too much force and scared her away."

Little Taotie ran downstairs with a frightened expression on his face, sat down beside Hua Jinyan, patted his heart with his little hands: "I'm scared to death!"

Hua Jinyan was puzzled: "Have you been trained?"

"No, grandpa won't scold me, but grandpa said something very scary."

Yuanyuan leaned over and asked curiously, "Does the head also tell scary ghost stories?"

"It's more terrifying than this!" Little Taotie lowered his head: "Grandpa said that eating sugar will cause tooth decay, tooth decay will cause teeth to fall out, and lost teeth will never grow back!"

(End of this chapter)

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