Chapter 1604 Malicious Decoration
"Don't be angry, are your hands okay?"

Little Taotie waved his little hands, and said indifferently, "It's all right."

Chen Zi looked at the table, then at the intact little white hand, and wiped his cold sweat.

"Afterwards, do you pretend that this incident never happened?" Little Taotie asked angrily.

Chen Zi smiled bitterly and nodded: "She won't give up. Even if her cell phone is robbed, she still has to go out and call the police. Later, her father locked the door, and her mother begged her to forget it. When she saw her mother crying, she couldn't bear it, so she finally agreed, but The stolen money needs to be taken out by her parents, otherwise she can’t let it go. Her father was afraid that she would make a fuss, so he finally agreed, saying that he would sell the family’s gold and silver jewelry to raise money for her, saying that his younger brother had already taken all the family’s money. I went to study abroad, and I don’t even have a large amount of cash at home.”

"Liar!" Little Taotie snorted.

Chen Zi shook his head: "This time her parents didn't lie. She didn't believe it at the time just like you did. She searched through boxes and cabinets, but only found a piece of paper and pen with 20 yuan, and there was only [-] yuan left in her parents' bank card. Put down a few cents."

"Where's her brother? Isn't he here?"

"When she was about to call the police, her brother ran out."

"The money must be on him!"

"I don't know. She is a kind person. When she saw that her parents only had 20 yuan, she didn't ask for money. Instead, she kept half of the 500 yuan left on her. As the school was approaching, she didn't want to She planned to stay at home again, so she promised her parents that she would not let her family ugliness out, and that she would not call the police, so her parents let her go. She went back to school, and she told the teacher about it. Fortunately, her teacher was nice. I lent her money to pay her tuition.”

"Fortunately, she met a good teacher, otherwise she wouldn't even be able to go to school."

"Later, her teacher introduced her to several jobs of translating novels, and she later had the idea of ​​writing novels. In her junior year, she published her first novel and earned a lot of royalties."

"She's so amazing!" Xiao Taotie likes this kind of big sister who can bloom the most beautiful flowers out of desperate situations. Although her original family is not good, she is very good herself and will never give up.

If it were someone else, maybe after the money was stolen, they might choose to give up studying, but this big sister never gave up studying.

"What's next?" Little Taotie asked eagerly.

"Later she became famous, and the news spread to her hometown. Her parents came to her, not to visit their daughter, but to ask for money. They said that her life abroad was very difficult, and she didn't even have money for food. She was so downcast that she ate the food in the trash can, and even released a video of her brother picking up trash."

"She... won't give money, will she?"

Chen Zi smiled wryly: "I have already said that she is very kind. Even though my younger brother is sorry for him, he is still a brother and sister who grew up together. She couldn't stand it, so she finally gave the money, and her parents transferred the money that night."

Little Taotie clenched his fists: "Good or bad! So eccentric!"

Chen Zi patted her head: "Don't get angry."

"How can I not be angry, I'm about to die of anger!" She was about to reach out to pat the table, but was stopped by Chen Zi: "Don't pat again, it's going to be broken!"

Little Taotie gasped, looked at the rickety table, and finally obediently withdrew his hand.

"She treats her brother so well, if her brother does something wrong to her again, it will be too bad!"

Chen Zi smiled wryly: "Her younger brother was engaged in renovation after graduation. When he saw his sister's newly bought house, he offered to help her sister decorate it. In order to repay her, he didn't charge her a penny."

Little Taotie exhaled, "He still has a conscience."

Chen Zi shook his head: "It's too early to be happy, this renovation is a malicious murder."

(End of this chapter)

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