Chapter 1605 The Origin of Marble
Little Taotie blinked, his big eyes were full of bewilderment and doubt.

Don't you help your sister decorate for free to repay her sister?

It can be regarded as an apology in disguise. The matter of stealing money back then can be made up in this way.

It should be that I have suffered a lot abroad and know that only my family is good and my relatives are good.

The kind little Taotie made up a lot of things on his own, completely ignorant of a good decoration, how could it become a murder with evil intentions?
"She is already famous. She has several published books in her hand, and several books have been adapted into film and television works such as comics and short videos."

Little Taotie tilted his head, wondering: "Isn't this a good thing, shouldn't he be happy to have a famous sister?"

"Yes, he is very happy. If this sister is dead, he will be even happier."

Little Taotie couldn't believe it: "...dead?"

"Because her younger brother learned that the copyright can be inherited during the life of the author plus 50 years after his death."

Little Taotie: "..."

The little girl's big eyes were dimmed, her mouth drooped, her little nose was wrinkled, and her little brows were knotted.

She understood that she had made this bad brother up too well. He didn't want to repay his sister at all, but wanted to kill her. My sister's contribution!
The result now is that the elder sister did get leukemia and passed away, and she left at the young age of 25.

" it because of this renovation?" Little Taotie asked softly, his eyes were full of sadness.

"The marble in the house was too radioactive, which was also the root cause of her leukemia."

"Marble..." Little Taotie asked in a muffled voice, "She doesn't know that her younger brother hurt her, does she?"

"She didn't know that she had transferred the ownership of the house to her family members before she died. She should have passed away without knowing it. Maybe she felt that she was overworked from drafting every day."

"Why do you say that?" Little Taotie frowned: "I think... maybe she felt that something was wrong, otherwise the ending of the script shouldn't be like that."

Chen Zi remembered the ending of the script.

The award-winning heroine was told that she had cancer. She thought it was because she was too tired to compete for the award, but she found out that her parents and younger sister were secretly asking where the house was. Obviously, after waiting two more months, the house could belong to They, why don't they live?

The setting in the script is that the house belongs to the younger sister's boyfriend, who is the small boss of the whole package decoration company, and all the decoration of the house is handed over to his company.

Finally, when she died, she held her younger sister's hand and said, "Take good care of your parents. I can't be filial. From now on, you must be filial to your parents."

The younger sister nodded: "I know, sister, you can go at ease, don't worry."

"Why buy a new house, can't you live in the house I left behind?" She asked weakly.

The younger sister sighed: "House prices in the first-tier cities have risen too much. In the past two years, there have been few people buying houses. Even if they bought a house, they would not be willing to pay for other people's decoration. At most, they can find some small companies to do half-package, so they can pay less for decoration. Money is not conducive to the development of my boyfriend's company."

"Now the prices of second- and third-tier houses are gradually increasing. Many people see the trend of housing prices in first-tier cities and think that houses in second- and third-tier cities will also rise sharply in the future. Many people rush to buy houses before the sharp rise, and there are many people who need to renovate. Many decoration companies are too busy."

"So we plan to go to other cities, which is also beneficial to his development. I am the financial officer of his company, and I will definitely follow him."

"It's impossible for me to keep my parents here, and I will definitely take them away. Home is where they are, so we plan to buy a house in a second- and third-tier city. The full payment is not enough, and we may sell my sister's house. .”

She waited and waited, but when she saw that her sister was silent, she changed the topic of conversation, her voice full of melancholy: "Sister... If you don't agree, we will keep your house, or at worst take out a loan to buy a house, and pay a down payment first. It's just The interest rate these days... hey, it's a bit high, but there's nothing I can do about it."

(End of this chapter)

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