Chapter 1614 Yuanyuan Shopping Addicted
After finally leaving smoothly under the watchful eyes of a pair of eyes, Yuanyuan closed the door of the lounge, took a breath, and took a deep breath, "It's like entering a pig farm."

Little Taotie was also desperately inhaling and exhaling, as if he wanted to expel all the weird smell that had just been inhaled into his lungs with this quick inhalation and exhalation method, to clean his lung cavity.

Jiang Si: "Next, where are you going?"

Yuanyuan laughed: "Didn't you tell me to go shopping?"

Jiang Si: "..."

I regret it a bit, I just shot myself in the foot.

When a woman goes's terrifying!
Sure enough, he saw Yuanyuan, a very burly fat man, "rolling around" like a round ball in the mall!
"It's settled, you want to buy these things!" Yuanyuan said excitedly.

Jiang Si: "Why?"

"I'm a man now, and I'll be treated as the same if I buy these things!"

Jiang Si snorted.

"It's a deal!" Yuanyuan pulled Jiang Si to sweep the goods, while holding Xiao Taotie's hand with the other hand and never let go.

Little Taotie: "..."

Little Taotie was forced to go shopping, and was still forced to hold hands with him who couldn't leave for half a step. Little Taotie was about to die of exhaustion, and his short legs couldn't move anymore.

Little Taotie's big eyes rolled around, and he amplified his voice, speaking in the local language: "Brother, I can't walk anymore, you carry me on your back!"

Yuanyuan looked at Jiang Si and lowered her voice: "She is talking to you."

Jiang Si said lightly: "I'm not his brother, I'm his mother."

Yuanyuan: "..."

She looked at Little Taotie, and pointed to herself in disbelief: "Me?"

Little Taotie hugged Yuanyuan's legs, "Brother, I can't walk anymore! Carry me~ Carry me~ If you don't carry me, I will make trouble, I will yell!"

The passers-by who watched around became anxious when they heard this. The child screamed terribly, and no one wanted to listen.

Passerby No. 1: "Hurry up and recite!"

Passerby No. 2: "It looks like a good physique, can't even carry a child?"

Passerby No. 3: "Stop dawdling!"

Yuanyuan almost provoked the anger of the crowd, and squatted down depressed: "Okay, you come up."

Little Taotie sat on Yuanyuan's back as he wished.

With people behind her back, Yuanyuan quickened her pace and stayed away from the crowd.

Now the mood of shopping is gone.

Little Taotie also got his wish, and finally he didn't have to accompany Sister Yuanyuan to buy and buy.

When they reached the chair area in the rest area of ​​the shopping mall, Yuanyuan put the person down.

Little Taotie was sitting on a chair, Yuanyuan was standing, Yuanyuan looked down at Little Taotie from above, and said angrily, "You did it on purpose!"

Little Taotie giggled: "I don't want to go shopping."

Yuanyuan snorted: "After the game is over, I still want to go shopping!"

Little Taotie yawned: "I'm not coming!"

Jiang Si immediately said: "I'm not coming either!"

Yuanyuan said unhappily: "I'm a man, I can't visit the women's clothing section, you must come! You all must come!"

Jiang Si didn't answer.

Little Taotie looked at the scenery, but didn't respond.

Yuanyuan is so angry!

Isn't it just buying a little more and asking Jiang Si to take a little more!

Isn't it just that when you see beautiful clothes, you ask Xiao Taotie to wear them!

I didn't do too much myself!
Jiang Si saw that Yuanyuan's face turned red with anger, and she coughed dryly: "It's almost time, we can go back."

Yuanyuan wanted to punch him, but held back.

Ten years is not too late for a gentleman to take revenge!After the game is over, drag him to the shopping mall, at least for more than three hours!

Jiang Si didn't know that Yuanyuan had planned to "murder" him.

The three returned to the fast food restaurant for the competition, and saw that the applicants had already sat on the chairs one after another, and the countdown would start in about 10 minutes.

(End of this chapter)

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