Chapter 1615
The names of Xiao Taotie and Yuanyuan were reported at the same time, so they were arranged at the same table, which can seat four people, and people from two different countries were arranged together.

One has very fair skin and sunburn all over his face, so he should be a local.

There is another one who is very dark and has very white teeth. He greeted the little Taotie, and his teeth were very eye-catching when he smiled, "I didn't expect there to be children participating. How old are you this year?"

Little Taotie wears underwear to increase his height, and now he looks like nine or ten years old. Little Taotie answered with a local prophecy: "Ten years old."

"Not bad, young man, are you confident?" the white man asked.

Little Taotie straightened his chest and looked confident: "I have a big appetite!"

The four chatted happily for a while, until the horn sounded to start the game.

There are waiters who bring delicious food to each table, which are stacked burgers.

In the true sense, a veritable "Big Mac"!
The huge bread is the size of a table, with countless beef patties sandwiched between them. According to visual estimates, there are more than eight beef patties.

The man in the chef's uniform cut the big hamburger into four with a knife, and stretched out his hand as a gesture of invitation: "The first ten tables that finish the hamburger will advance to the next competition."

As soon as this remark came out, some people were happy and others were sad.

This is not an individual game, more like a team game.

In other words, whoever lags behind among the four, the other three will not be able to enter the next round of competition!
The four people at the table were all tall and fat people, and they all looked at each other with smiles, but the levels at the table were not uniform, and whenever there was a thin person, the three people at the same table would frown and their faces would be very dark.

At Xiao Taotie's table, the whites and blacks who had had a good chat just now, their faces are almost equally black at this moment!

Their originally friendly eyes became full of repulsion and disgust at this moment, and they stared maliciously at Little Taotie.

White man: "I advise you to quit the game yourself."

Black: "Don't hurt people."

They had decided that this ten-year-old boy would be a drag and hinder their speed at the table.

Little Taotie didn't expect that they would turn their backs when they said they would turn their backs, and the speed of turning their faces was so fast, he hadn't recovered for a while.

Yuanyuan retorted first: "You can forfeit the game, you can change seats, there are many ways, but you are not qualified to make choices for others!"

"It's up to you if you want to have a table with this brat. Just because you want to lose, doesn't mean we want to lose!" The white man glared at the little Taotie: "If you don't retire, let's see how I deal with you."

While talking, he clenched his fists, and the fists made the sound of friction between the bones, "cracking", which was very bluffing.

For a child, maybe it will really be frightened.

Little Taotie picked up the fork on the table, with a smile on his face, and under the shocked gazes of white people and black people, he bent the stainless steel fork with his bare hands!
"Are you doing magic tricks?" Someone from the next table looked over.

The white man snorted coldly: "Don't use this kind of trick to fool people, boy, I won't deal with you now, and when the game is over, don't leave if you have the ability!"

The person at the next table was puzzled: "Why are you arguing? How did this little guy offend you?"

The white man shouted angrily: "It is impossible for him to finish the hamburger. He deliberately hindered him. I asked him to retire, but he refused."

"How can you underestimate people, I look at the little guy very well."

The white man roared: "Don't make sarcastic remarks, if you have the ability, switch seats with me!"

(End of this chapter)

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