The man who had changed seats because of the excitement of the aggressive general Fa was dancing happily at this moment, and he was so excited that he didn't know what to say. He wanted to hug Yuanyuan and hugged him, but when Yuanyuan dodged him, he was not angry and wanted to He wanted to go to the little Taotie, but was also dodged by the little Taotie. He looked at the little white man and said, "You can't hide anymore!"

He rushed over, hugged his arms full, and put a close face, "Brother, why are you so cold?"

He hurriedly let go of the little white man, whistling twice, as if to blow away the cold just now: "I'm like holding a big ice cube."

Yuanyuan thought to herself: They are already possessed by hungry ghosts, can they be iced?

Little Taotie's big eyes blinked, a little curious if this Ah Piao let him eat, would his stomach burst.

When the four of them were chatting, they heard the sound of the loudspeaker reporting one after another. When the ninth sound was heard, it meant that the quota was full. Others who hadn't finished eating would be eliminated, and their registration fees would not be refunded. It was a loss-making business, and the registration fee far exceeded the price of the "Big Mac" we ate just now.

"I'm just... one bite away." The black man tried his best to explain, trying to make the three fellows at the same table understand him.

The three finished eating before the ninth sounded, and the black man had the last bite left. They sat and waited for the black man to finish the last bite, thinking that they could catch up with the last place. Here, when they were about to raise their hands to indicate that they had finished eating, this sound rang out, and a table was 0.01 seconds faster than them!
That is 0.01 seconds, they missed the opportunity to enter the next round.

"I said, if you lose because of you, I will punish you!"

"It's all your fault, it's just a sip, you moron!"

"If you hadn't insisted on changing seats, we would have won at this table!"

They also noticed that the small white man ate very fast. If he hadn't been replaced, he would have eaten faster than the three of them, and maybe he would have helped them share a little, so that the speed would be faster and he would not be at the end. , perhaps already passed!
"It's all your fault!" Someone had already clenched their fists.

"We've already lost, we can fight now!"

They remembered that the waiter said that if they did something, they would be forced to retire, but now they have been eliminated.

"Don't, don't hit me..." the black man begged for mercy, but it was too late. He was surrounded by three people. He knelt down and hugged his head, thinking that if he didn't fight back, he would get punched less. If he fought back, he would anger them , will be beaten even worse.

But he completely underestimated the anger and resentment of these three people. They thought that if they hadn't changed seats, they would not have lost, and put all the responsibility on him. If he didn't fight back, he hit lightly, but when he saw that he didn't fight back, he hit him harder, completely treating him like a sandbag to vent his anger.

The same scene as here happens in many places. Incompetent people will always shift the responsibility to others. People who wait for others at the same table to finish eating because they have already finished eating have a good temper and say nothing. It is inevitable that a fight will solve the problem.

"If you want to play out, if the things in the store are damaged and affect the next game, please come up with corresponding compensation."

The waiter shouted with a loudspeaker under the order of the chef.

Hearing these words, those who were about to hit people with chairs silently put down their chairs, and some people dragged the badly beaten people out of the store and beat them outside the store.

"Next, it's the second round of competition. The content of the competition is—massive!"

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